Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro, host of 'The Ben Shapiro Show,' joined 'The Brian Kilmeade Show' to discuss Kamala Harris' far-left record and her stance on Israel after Netanyahu's congressional address.

Fox News host Ben Shapiro has criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for being "stapled" to the Biden administration's policies, arguing that her far-left views are out of touch with most Americans.

Speaking on "The Brian Kilmeade Show," Shapiro said Harris's record as California Attorney General and Senator shows a consistent pattern of support for policies that Shapiro believes are harmful to the country.

Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

"She's been a supporter of sanctuary cities, she's been a supporter of defunding the police, she's been a supporter of late-term abortion," Shapiro said. "These are all policies that are deeply unpopular with the American people."

Shapiro also criticized Harris for her stance on Israel, arguing that she is too quick to criticize the Jewish state while giving a pass to its enemies.

Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

"She's been very critical of Israel, she's been very supportive of the BDS movement, which is a movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel," Shapiro said. "She's met with anti-Israel activists, she's given speeches to anti-Israel groups."

Shapiro's comments come as Harris is reportedly considering a run for the presidency in 2024. However, recent polls show that she is lagging behind other potential Democratic candidates, such as former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

Kamala Harris 'Stapled' to Biden Administration's Policies, Says Ben Shapiro

In addition to Shapiro's criticism, Harris has also been attacked by other prominent conservatives, including former President Donald Trump and Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Trump has repeatedly called Harris a "radical leftist" and "a disaster for our country," while Carlson has accused her of being "a puppet of the far left."

Harris's supporters argue that she is a strong and experienced leader who is committed to fighting for the rights of all Americans. They point to her work as California Attorney General, where she prosecuted corporate criminals and advocated for criminal justice reform.

However, her critics argue that her record is not as progressive as she claims, and that she is more interested in advancing her own political career than in fighting for the people she represents.

Only time will tell whether Harris can overcome her critics and emerge as a viable candidate for the presidency in 2024.