Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

Vice President Kamala Harris lacks the necessary skills and experience to be president, making her the least qualified candidate in modern history. Her record as a prosecutor, Attorney General, and Senator is underwhelming, and her tenure as Vice President has been marked by failure and incompetence. Harris's campaign of invisibility cannot hide her lack of qualifications, and her election would be a disaster for the country.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been a loyal if bumbling number two to an increasingly frail president whose capacity to do the job is a question on the mind of everyone paying attention. It should also be on every voter’s mind: Is Harris up to this job?

In answering that, we have zero interviews of Harris since Biden withdrew more than three weeks ago. We only have hours of cringe-inducing tape from decades in the public eye. It is her tenure as Vice President that should matter the most to voters, and neither she nor the president she served has accomplished anything of lasting positive significance.

Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

They spent a vast amount of money the country didn’t have on projects that have not come to fruition. That spending unleashed ruinous inflation. They failed to secure our southern border and more than 10 million migrants have crossed it without invitation since Biden and Harris assumed office. Their record on national security is awful and the support originally offered to Israel after the massacre of 10/7 waxed and since last year has steadily waned. The influence of America on the world has never been this low.

The resume of actual accomplishments by Harris isn’t there and the record that is there is terrible.

Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

If the country chose its chief executive randomly out of one of many "hats" marked only by vocation, I would pick from the hat labeled "president of local or regional bank" or "successful principal of a large high school" and—crucially—"successful real estate developer" over the bag marked "local prosecutor" any day. I would especially do so if informed that the "local assistant DA" bag only included folks who had flunked their first Bar.

Nor does election to any local or statewide office in California signify much beyond the backing of large public employee unions, for those unions in fact run the politics of the state now and have for more than a dozen years. Harris won the election to be San Francisco’s District Attorney in 2004. She then ran for and won the California Attorney General job in 2010 and again in 2014, and won a United States Senate race in 2016. Of course she was on the ticket with President Biden in 2020. She’s a standard-issue left-wing pol from the most left-wing city in America.

Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

Kamala Harris: The Least Qualified Presidential Candidate in Modern History

All we have to judge Vice President Harris’s ability to be president by are her hundreds of votes, interviews and statements over an electoral career now approaching two decades. She hasn’t won a single presidential primary or caucus—ever. If you lived in California you already knew that Harris was never going to impress with eloquence or ability.

Harris is the product of the San Francisco Democratic machine which competes, usually successfully, with the Los Angeles Democratic machine. Harris paid her dues in San Francisco and she rose in predictable fashion. When President Joe Biden picked Harris as his running mate in 2020 he did so because he had promised to name a black woman as his running mate. Biden, whose judgment is no longer even debated, chose badly and we have Harris’s record as "border tsar" as the single point of assessment, the single certain role she has held under President Biden.

Of course she failed there —which is why we have the elaborate ruse of a border bill talking point. To cover up her actual record as President Biden’s lead on all border issues. She has had no other high-profile designated role.

Kamala Harris would be the least credentialed, least impressive and least prepared presidential candidate elected in the modern era. It’s impossible to imagine the damage her policies and personnel would do because they would be so far to the left of anything the country has ever experienced. Her campaign of invisibility is brilliant, but if it succeeds, the country is in for a terrible four years until she can be replaced.

The legacy media has gone along with 23 days of silence. How long will it remain complicit?