Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Vice President Kamala Harris's unwavering support for abortion, including her advocacy for free abortions through all nine months of pregnancy, poses a grave threat to human rights. Her record of persecuting pro-life Americans, undermining pregnancy resource centers, and violating free speech protections demonstrates her willingness to silence dissent and deny equal protection to the most vulnerable.

Vice President Kamala Harris's unwavering support for abortion, including her advocacy for free abortions through all nine months of pregnancy, poses a grave threat to human rights. Her record of persecuting pro-life Americans, undermining pregnancy resource centers, and violating free speech protections demonstrates her willingness to silence dissent and deny equal protection to the most vulnerable.

As California's attorney general, Harris targeted and prosecuted journalists who exposed alleged federal crimes rather than focusing on the alleged perpetrators, violating her oath of office. Her support for California laws that forced pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion, despite their religious objections, was later struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Harris's extreme views on abortion are out of step with the overwhelming majority of Americans. A recent Gallup poll found that 60% of Americans believe abortion should be illegal or limited to certain circumstances, such as when the mother's life is in danger or the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

Her advocacy for free abortions through all nine months of pregnancy is particularly alarming. The science is clear that a new and distinct human being comes into existence at fertilization, possessing a unique genetic code that determines their sex, ethnicity, and countless other traits. Life at every stage is precious and deserves protection and defense.

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Harris's refusal to protect the human rights of unborn children is a betrayal of her duty to defend the rights of all Americans. Her partnership with the abortion industry, which profits from the killing of innocent lives, is a further indication of her misplaced priorities.

As the Democratic nominee for president, Harris's abortion extremism poses a direct threat to human rights. Her promises to "supercharge" the Democrats' message on abortion could lead to the passage of radical pro-abortion laws at the federal level.

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Equally concerning is Harris's support for efforts to use the legal system to persecute those who engage in pro-life activism. Americans who peacefully protest outside abortion clinics or provide support to pregnant women considering abortion could face prosecution and imprisonment under a Harris presidency.

Free speech is a cornerstone of American liberty, and investigative and undercover journalism play vital roles in uncovering and reporting on wrongdoing. Harris's history of protecting criminals while punishing those who expose them is a chilling violation of the First Amendment.

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights

The cause of human life is the defining human rights issue of our time, and Kamala Harris's record shows that she cannot be trusted to protect the most vulnerable. Her abortion extremism, her persecution of pro-life activists, and her willingness to violate free speech protections all disqualify her from serving as president.

Kamala Harris's Abortion Extremism: A Threat to Human Rights