Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

Despite recent claims of improvement, the Biden-Harris administration's border policies have resulted in an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration, human trafficking, and violent crime. Former DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf exposes the detrimental impact of Kamala Harris's role as "border czar."

Since assuming the presidency, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have orchestrated a self-inflicted border crisis through a series of reckless executive actions. These actions have undermined border security, emboldened criminal organizations, and endangered the lives of Americans.

Despite her recent tough talk on border security, Vice President Harris's actions as "border czar" have proven disastrous. On day one, the Biden-Harris administration ended the Trump administration's successful Remain in Mexico policy, imposed a 100-day deportation freeze on all illegal aliens, and implemented a nationwide catch-and-release policy.

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

These ill-conceived policies have led to an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration. Over 10 million illegal aliens have been encountered entering the country unlawfully, and nearly 2 million have evaded apprehension. The Biden-Harris administration's claim that their policies are working is blatantly dishonest. More illegal aliens have crossed into the U.S. every month since March 2021 than during the worst month under the Trump administration.

To conceal the extent of illegal immigration, the administration has engaged in a deceptive strategy by redirecting illegal aliens to ports of entry and labeling it a "lawful pathway." They have also flown over 500,000 illegal aliens from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, and Nicaragua directly into American communities, abusing the parole authority.

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

The humanitarian consequences of these open border policies are appalling. Over 500,000 unaccompanied alien children have been trafficked into the country, and the administration has lost track of at least 85,000 of them. Innocent Americans have been brutally murdered by illegal aliens allowed into the country due to Biden-Harris policies.

Harris's public statements indicate that she intends to continue her disastrous border policies if elected president. She supports a flawed Senate immigration bill that garnered bipartisan opposition and calls for mass amnesty. Harris opposes the strongest border security bill ever introduced, H.R. 2, which the House passed over a year ago.

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

During his tenure as Acting DHS Secretary, Chad Wolf empowered Border Patrol and ICE officers to enforce immigration laws. In contrast, Harris has smeared Border Patrol agents and supports abolishing ICE. True leadership requires supporting law enforcement, not attacking them for political gain.

The Biden-Harris administration has refused to use its existing authority to secure the border, and their acknowledgment of a border crisis is merely an election-year ploy. The American people should not forget that Kamala Harris is the architect of these failed border policies that have devastated communities and made the nation less safe.

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure

Kamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and FailureKamala Harris's Border Policy Disaster: A Legacy of Incompetence and Failure