Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Vice President Kamala Harris's evolving views on fracking have raised concerns among energy industry stakeholders, particularly in key swing states like Pennsylvania. Once a proponent of a fracking ban, Harris has recently backtracked, highlighting the political complexities surrounding the issue.

Dr. Maya Angelou's astute observation, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time," rings true in the case of Vice President Kamala Harris and her inconsistent stance on energy policy. Harris's past campaign promises to ban hydraulic fracturing and abolish the filibuster to facilitate the passage of the Green New Deal have returned to haunt her.

In 2019, during her unsuccessful presidential primary bid, Harris declared her support for a fracking ban. However, her staff now claims a change of heart, stating that she "would not ban fracking." This about-face has not gone unnoticed by voters, particularly in swing states like Pennsylvania.

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Pennsylvanians, with their firsthand experience with "green" energy policy battles, are acutely aware of the potential impact such policies can have on their livelihoods. Recent polling reveals that most Pennsylvania voters oppose joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a multi-state carbon tax policy, despite Gov. Josh Shapiro's efforts to maintain it. Harris and Shapiro support carbon taxes, which effectively raise utility costs.

Energy affordability is paramount to Pennsylvania voters. Studies indicate that 67% would not spend additional funds to combat climate change, while 70% favor expanding natural gas infrastructure to reduce costs. A fracking ban would have devastating consequences for the Keystone State, the nation's second-largest natural gas producer.

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Harris's track record in office, alongside President Biden, has already had negative repercussions for Pennsylvania's energy industry. The Biden-Harris administration's ban on exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) has forced geopolitical allies to seek energy supplies from Russia, jeopardizing American energy independence.

Federal agencies under Biden and Harris have also implemented policies detrimental to energy-producing states. The Environmental Protection Agency's new rule, setting stringent standards for coal and natural gas plants, threatens their viability.

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Harris has not shied away from these drastic policies, boasting about her commitment to climate action. However, her advocacy for sweeping environmental policies, such as the Green New Deal, has raised concerns in swing states.

Harris's reversal on fracking is widely seen as a political calculation. If she aspires to attract voters, especially in swing states like Pennsylvania, she cannot afford to propose policies that jeopardize jobs and investment.

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications

Despite her recent change of stance, Harris's record speaks volumes about her intentions. She remains a proponent of government intervention in the energy sector, a path that could further hinder American energy independence and inflict economic pain on states reliant on energy production.

Kamala Harris's Contentious Stance on Fracking: A Flip-Flop with Far-Reaching Implications