Kamala Harris's Debate Woes: The Ghost of Joe Biden

Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses concerns raised by Democrats about Kamala Harris's performance in the upcoming ABC News Presidential Debate. Sources claim that Harris's team had planned for unmuted microphones during the debate but were forced to "scramble to rewrite" their strategy after learning that would not be the case.

Fox News host Jesse Watters has shed light on the internal concerns within the Democratic camp over Kamala Harris's readiness for the upcoming ABC News Presidential Debate. Watters claims that sources have revealed that Harris's team initially anticipated unmuted microphones during the debate but were left scrambling to adjust their strategy upon learning that this would not be the case.

Kamala Harris's Debate Woes: The Ghost of Joe Biden

Kamala Harris's Debate Woes: The Ghost of Joe Biden

According to Watters, Harris's inexperience in presidential debates compared to her previous vice presidential debates is a source of nervousness for her team. They fear that the added pressure and heightened scrutiny of a presidential debate could lead to a lackluster performance.

Harris's preparation for the debate has reportedly been intense, with her engaging in mock debates, studying Trump's debate tactics, and even seeking guidance from Hillary Clinton. However, sources suggest that the specter of Joe Biden's restrictive debate rules continues to cast a shadow over her camp.

Kamala Harris's Debate Woes: The Ghost of Joe Biden

Kamala Harris's Debate Woes: The Ghost of Joe Biden

Harris reportedly feels constrained by the debate rules established by Biden, who sought to avoid interruptions. This has forced her team to revise their playbook and adopt a defensive posture that focuses on avoiding contentious exchanges.

Beyond her debate strategy, Harris is said to be meticulously preparing her personal demeanor for the event. Inside sources claim that she has transformed her hotel room into a movie set complete with lighting, a television, and method actors who portray Donald Trump during mock debates. This intense preparation extends even to practicing the handshake, should one occur.

Expectations for Harris's performance have been tempered by insiders who suggest that she will prioritize evading accountability for Biden's record while embracing its positive aspects and distancing herself from its negatives. This approach aims to minimize potential damage to her own prospects while maintaining a semblance of loyalty to her party's leader.

Despite the concerns and preparations, the true measure of Harris's debate performance remains to be seen. Only time will tell whether she can overcome her nerves and deliver a compelling argument for her candidacy in a high-stakes environment.