Kamala Harris's Failed Border Czar Tenure: A Case of Political Cover-Up

Despite being tasked with addressing the migration crisis at the U.S. southern border, Vice President Kamala Harris has presided over a surge in illegal crossings. Now, her campaign is attempting to rewrite history and avoid accountability for her disastrous performance.

Kamala Harris's appointment as "border czar" in March 2021 was widely seen as a major responsibility for the new vice president. However, the once-heralded assignment has become a glaring example of her administration's failure to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

The Vice President's role was specifically tailored to address both the immediate flow of migrants and the root causes of migration. However, under her leadership, the situation at the border has deteriorated significantly, with over 10 million unauthorized crossings since she assumed office.

Kamala Harris's Failed Border Czar Tenure: A Case of Political Cover-Up

Kamala Harris's Failed Border Czar Tenure: A Case of Political Cover-Up

Despite this abysmal record, Harris's campaign is now engaged in a concerted effort to downplay her role in the border crisis. They are urging their allies in the media to dismiss Republican reminders of her catastrophic performance and rewrite the narrative to suit their political aspirations.

The consequences of Harris's failure have been severe for the nation. The influx of illegal immigrants has strained resources, overwhelmed border patrols, and fueled a humanitarian crisis. The Vice President's inability to control the situation has undermined her credibility and raised serious questions about her competence.

Kamala Harris's Failed Border Czar Tenure: A Case of Political Cover-Up

Kamala Harris's Failed Border Czar Tenure: A Case of Political Cover-Up

The attempt by Harris's campaign to whitewash her record is not only a disservice to the truth but also an insult to the American people. The border crisis is a real and pressing issue that requires urgent attention. The Vice President's avoidance of accountability undermines public trust and sends a dangerous message that failure will not be punished.

Harris had a single, high-profile responsibility, yet she squandered it from the outset. Her failure to address the border crisis is a stark indictment of her leadership abilities and raises serious doubts about her fitness for the presidency.

The American people deserve better than a vice president who shirks responsibility and attempts to rewrite history. Kamala Harris's failed border czar tenure should serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of political expediency and the importance of holding our elected officials accountable for their actions.

Hugh Hewitt, a renowned constitutional law professor and political commentator, hosts "The Hugh Hewitt Show" on the Salem Radio Network. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and has written for major American newspapers. In his latest column, Hewitt exposes the truth about Kamala Harris's disastrous performance as border czar and condemns the attempts by her campaign to conceal her failure.