Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

Fox News panelists discuss Kamala Harris's efforts to portray herself as tough on crime, despite her liberal voting record in the Senate and as California's attorney general.

Kamala Harris's pivot towards a tough-on-crime stance has raised concerns among some critics, who argue that it represents a departure from her previous liberal record. On Wednesday's "Outnumbered," Fox News panelists delved into this issue, discussing whether Harris would "revert" to her earlier positions if elected president.

Charles Payne, a regular contributor to the show, expressed skepticism about Harris's newfound hawkishness, arguing that she would likely return to her progressive roots if she ascended to the Oval Office.

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

"I think she's going to revert. I think she's going to go back to her liberal record," Payne said. "I think she's just trying to get elected, and she's saying what she thinks people want to hear."

Other panelists agreed, pointing to Harris's past votes on criminal justice reform and her support for abolishing cash bail.

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

"She's always been a liberal, and I don't think that's going to change," Lisa Boothe said. "She's just trying to appeal to a broader audience."

However, Harris's supporters have dismissed these criticisms, arguing that she has always been a pragmatic politician who is willing to adjust her positions based on the needs of her constituents.

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

"She's not a single-issue candidate," said Symone Sanders, a former Harris campaign aide. "She's someone who looks at the whole picture and tries to make the best decisions for the people she serves."

Time will tell whether Harris will indeed revert to her liberal roots if elected president. However, the debate over her policy positions highlights the challenges faced by politicians who attempt to appeal to a broad range of voters while maintaining their ideological integrity.

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

Kamala Harris's 'Outnumbered' Advisers: She Will 'Revert' to Liberal Roots If Elected

In related news, the upcoming "Evangelicals for Harris" event has drawn criticism due to the involvement of activist Ekemini Uwan, who has made controversial statements about race and law enforcement.

Uwan, who will be hosting the Zoom call, has described herself as a "reparations activist" and has called for the abolition of the police. She has also referred to Whiteness as "wicked" and "rooted in violence."

These comments have raised concerns among critics, who argue that they are incompatible with Christian values.

"It's deeply troubling to see a Christian organization hosting an event featuring an activist with such extreme views," said David Brody, chief political analyst for CBN News. "Her statements about race and law enforcement are deeply offensive and undermine the very principles that Evangelicals hold dear."

Harris's campaign and the Faith Voters organization behind the Zoom event have declined to comment on Uwan's involvement. However, it remains to be seen whether her presence will damage Harris's standing among Evangelical voters.

As the presidential campaign progresses, Harris will likely face continued scrutiny over her policy positions and the individuals who endorse her. It remains to be seen how she will navigate these challenges and whether she will be able to maintain the support of a broad coalition of voters.