Kamala Harris's "Plexiglass Basement" Strategy: Avoiding Accountability

Despite becoming the official Democratic nominee for president, Vice President Kamala Harris has gone 60 days without holding a formal press conference. This has raised questions about her willingness to take questions from the media and her commitment to transparency.

Vice President Kamala Harris's decision to avoid formal press conferences has raised concerns about her accountability and her willingness to engage with the media. Harris has gone 60 days since becoming the presumptive, and now official, Democratic presidential nominee without holding a press conference.

This is a stark contrast to her opponent, former President Donald Trump, who has held several lengthy interviews and three news conferences in recent weeks. Harris's lack of press availability has drawn criticism from conservatives, who argue that it allows her to avoid scrutiny and accountability.

Kamala Harris's

Kamala Harris's "Plexiglass Basement" Strategy: Avoiding Accountability

One critic, Jorge Bonilla of Conservative Radio Libre, said it's unlikely Harris will ever hold a formal press conference, arguing that the media has "enabled and encouraged" her "plexiglass basement" strategy. This strategy involves creating the illusion of accessibility while remaining out of reach of reporters.

Bonilla's criticism reflects a broader concern about the role of the media in covering political candidates. Some argue that the media has been too soft on Harris, allowing her to avoid answering tough questions. Others argue that the media has a responsibility to hold candidates accountable, even when it's unpopular.

Kamala Harris's

Kamala Harris's "Plexiglass Basement" Strategy: Avoiding Accountability

Harris has given a handful of interviews since becoming the Democratic nominee, but these have been primarily on friendly terms with outlets such as CNN and the National Association of Black Journalists. She has also sat for two taped radio interviews.

However, her first solo television interview as the Democratic nominee on Friday in Philadelphia drew criticism. Her response to a question about her economic policy, in which she cited her middle-class upbringing, was widely mocked.

Kamala Harris's

Kamala Harris's "Plexiglass Basement" Strategy: Avoiding Accountability

The contrast between Harris's and Trump's media availability has been noted by observers. Trump has been far more accessible to the media, taking questions from reporters at his rallies and holding multiple press conferences.

This disparity in media coverage has led to accusations of bias. Some conservatives argue that the media is giving Harris a pass because she is a woman and a minority. Others argue that the media simply follows the candidates who are most newsworthy.

Regardless of the media's motivations, Harris's avoidance of formal press conferences is a matter of concern. It raises questions about her commitment to transparency and her willingness to be held accountable. If she is elected president, her ability to communicate with the public and answer tough questions will be crucial.