Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Vice President Kamala Harris's support for bail reform and the Minnesota Freedom Fund has drawn criticism from law enforcement officials, who believe these policies have contributed to the rise in violent crime in major cities across the country.

Vice President Kamala Harris's record on public safety has come under intense scrutiny from law enforcement officials, who argue that her support for bail reform and the Minnesota Freedom Fund has contributed to the surge in violent crime in major cities across the United States.

Joe Gamaldi, national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police, described Harris's record as an "unmitigated disaster" for public safety. He pointed to her support for bail reform, which he said has led to the release of violent criminals back into communities where they have committed further crimes.

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

"We're not talking about helping bail out the mom who stole a candy bar from the store to help feed her kids; we're talking about violent criminals," Gamaldi said.

Harris has also been criticized for her promotion of the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provided bail money for Black Lives Matter protesters during the 2020 unrest. Critics argue that the fund has enabled violent criminals to avoid prosecution and return to the streets, contributing to the rise in crime.

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Joseph Imperatrice, an NYPD detective and founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC, said that America needs a president who will "put the bad guys behind bars." He accused Harris of pandering to progressive activists by supporting policies that undermine law enforcement.

"She has turned the corner," Imperatrice said. "She's not the prosecutor that we once knew, and now she's allowing bad guys to not only stay out of jail, but she's helping them to get out of jail, which is causing a big problem."

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Charles "Cully" Stimson, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former prosecutor, accused Harris of using the same "dog whistle" language as progressive activists who have called for defunding the police. He said that her support for policies that "reimagine" the criminal justice system is a sign that she is "pro-criminal."

Stimson pointed to Harris's applause for Los Angeles' decision to defund its police department by $150 million in 2020. He argued that this decision has weakened law enforcement and contributed to the increase in crime in the city.

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Harris's support for bail reform and the Minnesota Freedom Fund has been a major issue in her campaign for the presidency. Her detractors believe that these policies have endangered public safety and that she is unfit to be president.

The Harris campaign has defended her record on public safety, arguing that she supports law enforcement while also advocating for reforms to address systemic racism in the criminal justice system. However, her opponents remain unconvinced and believe that her policies would make communities less safe.

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making

As Harris continues her campaign for the presidency, her record on public safety is likely to be a major issue of debate. Her critics will argue that her policies have contributed to the rise in violent crime, while her supporters will argue that she is a strong supporter of law enforcement and that her reforms are necessary to address the systemic racism that plagues the criminal justice system.

Kamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the MakingKamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the MakingKamala Harris's Public Safety Record: A Disaster in the Making