Kamala Harris's Rise to Power: Networking or Achievement?

Vice President Kamala Harris, positioning herself as a "top cop" in the 2024 presidential race, credits her rise to networking rather than accomplishments, critics claim.

Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as a formidable contender in the 2024 presidential race, positioning herself as a "top cop" who will "prosecute" her GOP opponent. However, critics have questioned the legitimacy of her legal career, alleging that it is "devoid" of substantial achievements and that her success is primarily attributed to networking.

Harris's nearly three-decade ascent has been marked by both triumphs and setbacks. After failing her bar exam on her first attempt in 1989, she rose to the ranks of San Francisco district attorney, California attorney general, U.S. senator, and vice president.

Kamala Harris's Rise to Power: Networking or Achievement?

Kamala Harris's Rise to Power: Networking or Achievement?

Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell, who passed the California bar on his first try the same year as Harris, dismissed her as a "political opportunist" who has consistently found herself in "the right position, the right place" at the right time. Through calculated moves, she has managed to leap from one position of power to another, Terrell asserts.

"Networking," Terrell contends, is the catalyst for Harris's career trajectory. "Let's face it, she achieved her position not through academic distinction," he said. "Her success as San Francisco district attorney, California attorney general, U.S. senator, and vice president stems from her adeptness at networking."

Kamala Harris's Rise to Power: Networking or Achievement?

Kamala Harris's Rise to Power: Networking or Achievement?

Others have echoed Terrell's sentiments, arguing that Harris's legal record is unremarkable. According to a report by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, Harris prosecuted 1,900 minor drug offenses during her tenure as San Francisco district attorney, while simultaneously opposing a state law that would have reduced marijuana-related convictions.

Harris's supporters, however, maintain that her experience in law enforcement has equipped her with the necessary skills to tackle the challenges facing the country. They point to her work as California attorney general, where she launched a task force to combat human trafficking, and her support for criminal justice reform efforts.

As Harris prepares to unveil her vice presidential running mate, questions linger about her qualifications for the presidency. Her critics contend that her legal career is devoid of significant accomplishments, while her supporters argue that her experience as a "top cop" will serve her well in the highest office in the land. Only time will tell whether Harris can overcome these challenges and emerge victorious in the 2024 presidential race.