Kamala's Card Game: Bluffing with the Media's Help

Fox News host Jesse Watters exposes how Vice President Kamala Harris is relying on the media to create a false narrative by changing her stances on key issues like border security and tax cuts.

Jesse Watters, the host of "Jesse Watters Primetime," has drawn attention to the glaring inconsistencies in Vice President Kamala Harris's political positions, highlighting how the media is enabling her to avoid accountability.

Watters likened politics to poker, where players bluff when they have no cards. He accused Harris of lacking a strong hand and resorting to the media's assistance to create a favorable illusion.

Kamala's Card Game: Bluffing with the Media's Help

Kamala's Card Game: Bluffing with the Media's Help

"At the convention, they went all in on football camo, country music. Kamala's from Berkeley, grew up in Canada and wants to take your guns. She's bluffing," Watters stated.

He then pointed to Harris's recent claim of eliminating taxes on tips, which closely resembles former President Donald Trump's policy. "Harris tells us no tax on tips, just plagiarizes Trump's policy. She and Biden can cut the tax on tips now," he said.

Kamala's Card Game: Bluffing with the Media's Help

Kamala's Card Game: Bluffing with the Media's Help

Watters questioned why the media is not holding Harris accountable for these flip-flops. "Why don't they? When I wake up this morning, I open the paper and I see Kamala wants to build a border wall. Yeah, if she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border, a project she once opposed and called un-American during the Trump administration."

He emphasized that Axio was reporting on Harris's alleged plans to build more border wall, but there had been no official statement from Harris herself. "Does Kamala Harris know what the Kamala Harris campaign is saying?" he asked.

Watters concluded that the media's complacency was allowing Harris to get away with political deception. "Politics is like poker. When you have no cards, you bluff and hope your opponent folds. Kamala doesn't have a good hand, but she's too afraid to bluff herself. So the media's doing it for her. They tell you what Kamala's positions are so that she doesn't have to. And they change them so she doesn't have to," he said.

The issue of Harris's inconsistent stances has drawn criticism from both Republicans and Democrats, who have accused her of pandering to different audiences without providing clear policy goals. However, the media's role in shaping these narratives and potentially influencing public perception remains a subject of debate.