Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

Accused cop killer Karen Read's supporters have rallied for her release, with Read herself comparing her supporters to Vietnam War protesters.

Karen Read supporters gathered in Massachusetts on Labor Day, voicing their support for the woman accused of fatally running over her police officer boyfriend in January 2022.

Read, 44, maintains her innocence, claiming that she is the victim of a police conspiracy to pin the crime on her. In a recent interview with ABC's "20/20," Read made the startling comparison between her supporters and Vietnam War protesters.

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

"You're brave," Read told a group of supporters following her mistrial, according to footage obtained by WCVB. "You would've protested the Vietnam War and ended it. And this is the modern equivalent to that, so thank you all."

Read's supporters have been a vocal presence throughout her trial, holding rallies and demonstrations outside the courthouse. They believe that Read is innocent and has been unfairly targeted by the authorities.

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

The case against Read is based on evidence that she ran over her boyfriend, 46-year-old officer John O'Keefe, with her SUV and left him to die in the cold outside a friend's house following a night of heavy drinking.

However, Read's defense team has argued that O'Keefe was fatally injured in an altercation at the house party and left outside to frame Read as part of a departmental conspiracy.

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

The defense has highlighted injuries to O'Keefe's head and hands as evidence that he was attacked, not hit by a large vehicle.

Prosecutors, on the other hand, point to a broken tail light on Read's Lexus SUV and shards of red plastic found on O'Keefe's body as evidence that she struck him with her vehicle.

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

Karen Read's Supporters Rally in Massachusetts, Comparing Her Case to Vietnam War Protests

Other evidence against Read includes her blood alcohol content, which was far above the legal limit, and furious voicemails left on O'Keefe's phone by Read accusing him of infidelity and expressing "hate" for him.

Read is charged with second-degree murder and vehicular manslaughter. Her trial ended in a mistrial in July, and prosecutors plan to retry her in January.

The case has sparked widespread public interest and controversy, with large crowds of protesters gathering on both sides. Some believe that Read is guilty, while others maintain her innocence and view her as a victim of a corrupt justice system.