Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

During an interview on CNN, Kasie Hunt pressed Ian Sams about how Kamala Harris's administration would differ from President Biden's, drawing attention to Harris's proposal to raise taxes.

CNN's Kasie Hunt engaged in a pointed discussion with Harris campaign spokesman Ian Sams, probing the potential differences between Harris's administration and President Biden's. The interview, which occurred on Thursday, highlighted Harris's proposal to increase the federal capital gains tax rate.

Hunt directly confronted Sams with the question of why Harris was proposing to raise taxes amidst the current economic climate. She pressed him on the divergence between Harris's stance and Biden's approach. Sams responded by invoking former President Donald Trump and emphasizing that the choice lay between the two candidates. He asserted that Harris's focus was on creating small businesses, reducing costs for the middle class, and addressing bread-and-butter issues.

Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

Hunt then delved into Harris's plan to tax unrealized gains at a lower rate than Biden's proposal, as well as her proposal to quadruple tax buybacks. Undeterred, she persisted in her questioning, inquiring whether Harris intended to further distance herself from Biden's policies.

Sams maintained that Harris was her own candidate and had her own views on various issues, despite her support for Biden's accomplishments. He expressed Harris's belief that a 39.6% capital gains tax rate was excessive and that a 28% rate would better benefit the economy.

Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

Hunt raised the matter of working class Americans of color and white Americans who felt disenchanted with the Democratic Party. Sams responded that campaign efforts centered on conveying Harris's message to voters rather than indulging in demographic analysis.

Hunt persisted, pointing out that despite Democratic control of the country for the past three years, more of these voters were aligning with Trump than with Harris. She challenged Sams to explain the reasons behind this disparity.

Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

Kasie Huntgrills Harris Campaign Spokesperson on Administration Differences from Biden's

Sams acknowledged the approaching election and emphasized the urgency of winning it, emphasizing Harris's economic vision as a novel path forward for both the Democratic Party and the nation. When pressed for specifics regarding the differences, Sams cited Harris's proposal to prohibit price gouging.

The interview concluded with Hunt raising concerns about rising crime rates, particularly in Democrat-led cities. Sams responded by highlighting Harris's plan to address the issue, which includes measures to reduce gun violence and increase police presence in underserved communities.