Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has launched a scathing attack on the Associated Press, accusing the outlet of publishing "biased" and "compromised" reporting on former President Donald Trump's recent visit to Capitol Hill.

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has unleashed a furious tirade against the Associated Press, accusing the outlet of publishing "biased" and "compromised" reporting on former President Donald Trump's recent visit to Capitol Hill.

Olbermann's ire was stoked by an AP story that described Trump's return to the Capitol as "triumphant," a characterization that the ex-host deemed a gross misrepresentation of the event.

Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

"I am surprised to find that the Associated Press is still in business today after it published this wanton, biased, compromised, prostituted, unsurvivable pile of Trump-sucking propaganda yesterday," Olbermann wrote on Twitter.

He went on to compare the AP report to the propaganda tactics employed by Nazi Germany's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.

Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

"Goebbels would have been embarrassed," Olbermann asserted.

The AP report, which cited anonymous sources, described Trump's visit as a reinvigorating moment for Republicans who are eager to see him retake the White House.

Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

Keith Olbermann Blasts Associated Press Over 'Trump-Sucking Propaganda' in Visit Report

However, Olbermann did not specify which parts of the report he found to be particularly biased. The AP did not respond to a request for comment on Olbermann's allegations.

Olbermann's outburst has sparked a heated debate on social media, with some users defending the AP's reporting while others echoed his concerns about bias.

The Trump campaign, meanwhile, has seized on Olbermann's post as evidence of a growing anti-press sentiment among Democrats.

"Joe Biden and his supporters are now showing they are anti-press and in favor of punishing anyone who does not parrot their propaganda," a Trump campaign spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

Olbermann, a longtime critic of Trump, has made no secret of his disdain for the former president. In 2017, he was widely criticized for featuring an image of himself draped in the American flag, which was visibly touching the ground, on the cover of his anti-Trump book.

In 2020, Olbermann left ESPN to launch a YouTube show where he could freely express his views on Trump.

Olbermann's latest outburst highlights the deep divisions in American society and the challenges facing the media in an era of partisan polarization.