Kennedy Blasts Biden Protester After Interview Interruption by Anti-Biden Screaming

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. condemned an anti-Biden protester who derailed a CNN interview with a Kennedy family member with blood-curdling screams, questioning their motives and challenging them to a debate.

Kennedy Blasts Biden Protester After Interview Interruption by Anti-Biden Screaming

During a CNN interview with a prominent Kennedy family member, an anti-Biden protester disrupted the proceedings with deafening screams, leaving the interviewer and guest in shock. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent figure in the Kennedy family and a presidential candidate, responded with a strong rebuke of the protester.

Kennedy Blasts Biden Protester After Interview Interruption by Anti-Biden Screaming

Kennedy expressed his dismay at the incident, stating that it was an example of the "vitriol" that can result when people resort to social media to express their views. He challenged former President Trump, who had accused Kennedy of being a "Democrat plant" and a "wasted protest vote," to a debate.

In a written response, Kennedy argued that Trump's allegations were "wild and inaccurate" and that they should be addressed in the traditional American tradition of presidential debate. He accused Trump of betraying his supporters by promising to end the Ukraine war but then colluding with Speaker Johnson and President Biden to fund it.

Kennedy Blasts Biden Protester After Interview Interruption by Anti-Biden Screaming

Kennedy also criticized Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, accusing him of allowing "Big Pharma and his corrupt bureaucrats to run roughshod" over the country. He further alleged that Trump had "promised to cut the deficit and ran up the biggest debt in history."

In addition to these criticisms, Kennedy challenged Trump's claim that he is a "Democrat plant," stating that his record in the environmental movement and other areas contradicts this accusation. He also accused Trump of "promising to protect our rights and then torpedoing the Constitution."

Kennedy Blasts Biden Protester After Interview Interruption by Anti-Biden Screaming

Kennedy concluded his response by calling on Trump to "defend his record" in a respectful and congenial debate. He argued that this would be a better way to address their differences than through "poisonous bombs" from the safety of social media.

Trump's 2020 campaign had previously criticized Biden's "bunker" strategy, which involved staying away from the campaign trail and avoiding public appearances. Kennedy's challenge came after Trump blasted him on TRUTH Social, accusing him of being a "Radical Left Liberal" and a "WASTED PROTEST VOTE."

Trump further alleged that Kennedy is "totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist," and "Anti-Military/Vet." He also took aim at Kennedy's running mate, Nicole Shanahan, calling her an "unknown quantity" with "deep pockets."

Kennedy's running mate, Shanahan, has faced scrutiny due to her lack of political experience and her wealthy ex-husband, who has been involved in legal disputes. Trump claimed that Kennedy had convinced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to make "NASTY" environmental moves, resulting in increased energy costs in upstate New York and New England.

Kennedy dismissed these accusations as "FAKE" and emphasized that he is a serious candidate with a long history in public service. Despite Trump's attacks, Kennedy remains determined to challenge the former president's record and present himself as a viable alternative for voters.