Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. urges Democrats to adopt a transparent process for selecting their presidential nominee following Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 race.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has urged Democrats to embrace an "open process" in selecting their presidential nominee, following President Biden's announcement that he will not seek re-election.

In an interview on "Fox & Friends," Kennedy expressed concern that the Democratic primary process had been "rigged" in the past and called for a more transparent approach.

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

"The Democrats really need to do what President Obama said, which is to have an open process, a genuinely open process. So much of the primary process was rigged," Kennedy said.

Kennedy, who previously ran as a Democrat but has since switched to independent status, also criticized the party for blocking his challenge to Biden in the primaries. He believes that a fair and open process would give him a better chance of defeating Donald Trump in the general election.

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

"If they had a fair system, I would. I would definitely look at it," Kennedy said.

He also expressed skepticism about Vice President Kamala Harris, who is expected to be the frontrunner in the Democratic race with Biden's backing.

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

"She has some explaining to do about why she helped hide the true nature of the president's condition," Kennedy said. "She was seeing the president every day, and she was telling the American public again and again, 'he is completely capable of running the country. There's no signs of a deterioration. There's no signs of cognitive impairment.' And that clearly was not true."

Kennedy further argued that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had created a "mess" by concealing Biden's mental decline.

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

Kennedy Jr. Encourages Democrats to Hold Open Presidential Nomination Process

"The reaction of the DNC to that obvious condition was to hide it from the American public and to use their power over the Democratic Party nomination process to make sure that nobody could compete with President Biden in a way that would expose his deficiencies," Kennedy said.

He emphasized that the Democrats must address the perception that the system is rigged in order to regain public trust.

"It has to be some kind of fair process because it looks to the American public that the system is just rigged, which it is," Kennedy said.

Kennedy's call for an open and transparent nomination process has resonated with some Democratic voters who believe that the party has become too entrenched and needs a fresh perspective.

However, it remains to be seen whether the DNC will heed Kennedy's advice and implement a more inclusive process for selecting their presidential nominee.