Kennedy Proposes 'No Spoiler' Pledge with Biden

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to team up with President Biden to eliminate spoiler candidates in the 2024 presidential election, proposing a "no-spoiler" pledge to determine who should drop out of the race.

Kennedy Proposes 'No Spoiler' Pledge with Biden

Former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., running as an independent candidate for president in 2024, wants himself and incumbent President Joe Biden to agree to a "no spoiler" pledge. This pledge involves conducting a poll to determine who would have a better chance of defeating former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.

Kennedy argues that he, not Biden, is the more viable candidate to challenge Trump. He claims an internal poll conducted by his campaign shows him performing better than Biden in a head-to-head race against Trump.

Kennedy Proposes 'No Spoiler' Pledge with Biden

"This is a spoiler pledge that we're announcing today," Kennedy said at a news conference. "This is a pledge that I offer to take if President Biden also takes it."

The pledge proposed by Kennedy involves both candidates agreeing to fund a 50-state poll with over 30,000 likely voters in October 2024. The poll results would be used to determine which candidate would perform weaker against Trump in a two-man race. The candidate who polls weaker would then drop out of the presidential race.

Kennedy Proposes 'No Spoiler' Pledge with Biden

Kennedy stated that he would also be willing to enter into the same pledge with Trump, but added that Trump "can actually win," so he is not considered a spoiler.

The Biden campaign did not respond to Kennedy's proposal. However, Democratic National Committee (DNC) spokesperson Matt Corridoni dismissed Kennedy's claims, labeling him a "spoiler" who is "recruited by the MAGA GOP and propped by Trump's largest donor."

Kennedy Proposes 'No Spoiler' Pledge with Biden

Kennedy has long been criticized by some Democrats as a potential spoiler who could contribute to a Trump victory. Kennedy launched his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2023, but switched to an independent run for the White House in October.

Despite criticism from the Biden campaign and the DNC, Kennedy has secured ballot access in several key battleground states, including California, Michigan, Utah, Hawaii, and Nevada. He is working to get on the ballot in all 50 states, a costly and time-consuming process for independent candidates.

Kennedy's goal is to win enough electoral votes to force a contingent election in the House of Representatives. Under this scenario, the House would vote on who should be president from a pool of the top three candidates who receive the most electoral votes.

Kennedy is banking on the hope of disaffected voters who are dissatisfied with both Biden and Trump. He has received some support from Trump's base and has appeared on conservative media outlets, despite his liberal stance on some issues.

The "no spoiler" pledge proposed by Kennedy is a bold move that could change the dynamics of the 2024 presidential election. Whether Biden accepts the pledge and whether Kennedy can secure enough support to make a significant impact remains to be seen.