Kevin Costner's Heartfelt Eulogy for Whitney Houston

Academy Award-winning actor Kevin Costner delivered a moving 17-minute eulogy at the funeral of his late friend, music icon Whitney Houston. Costner's poignant words highlighted their deep bond and the profound impact she had on his life.

Kevin Costner's Heartfelt Eulogy for Whitney Houston

In a touching testament to their enduring friendship, Kevin Costner took to the podium at Whitney Houston's funeral in 2012, delivering an emotionally charged eulogy that extended for 17 heartfelt minutes. Costner's unwavering refusal to shorten his speech, despite requests from the organizers, spoke volumes about the depth of his love and respect for the departed singer.

As he began his speech, Costner recalled the early days of their friendship, when he and Houston were both struggling young artists in Los Angeles. They had met at a nightclub, and Costner was instantly captivated by Houston's ethereal voice and radiant spirit.

"I was her imaginary bodyguard," Costner said with a fond smile. "I would always tell her, 'I got your back, Whit.'"

Over the years, their bond grew even stronger as they worked together on several projects, including the iconic film "The Bodyguard." Costner's eulogy was filled with anecdotes and personal memories that vividly portrayed the essence of their friendship. He spoke of their shared triumphs, their setbacks, and the unwavering support they provided for each other.

"Whitney was a force of nature," Costner said. "She was the most talented singer I have ever known, and her voice had the power to heal and inspire."

Costner also acknowledged Houston's struggles with addiction, a topic that had often been whispered about but rarely discussed openly. He spoke of his admiration for Houston's courage and determination in overcoming her demons.

"Whitney made mistakes, but she never gave up on herself," Costner said. "She was a warrior, and she fought until the very end."

As the eulogy drew to a close, Costner's voice thickened with emotion. He spoke of the profound loss he and the world had suffered with Houston's passing.

"We will never forget you, Whitney," Costner said. "You will always be our princess, our queen, and our friend."

In that poignant moment, the packed auditorium erupted in a standing ovation that lasted for several minutes. It was a fitting tribute to a legendary performer and a cherished friend. Kevin Costner's eulogy had not only honored Whitney Houston's memory but had also celebrated the unbreakable bond that had united them.

As the applause subsided, Costner stepped away from the podium, his eyes filled with tears. But there was also a sense of peace and gratitude in his heart. He had said goodbye to his beloved friend in the most heartfelt and meaningful way possible.