Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

Actor and Christian leader Kirk Cameron announces plans for the second annual "See You at the Library 2024" event, urging families across the nation to double their participation to stand strong for family, faith, and country.

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

In the midst of Pride Month's focus on sexuality and sexual choice, outspoken author, actor, and patriot Kirk Cameron is calling on families across the nation to double their participation in the second annual "See You at the Library 2024" event on August 24. The event aims to inspire and empower families to stand strong for traditional values and the foundations of faith, family, and country.

Cameron, who gained fame for his role in the TV sitcom "Growing Pains," expressed his concern over the growing influence of Pride Month activities on children as young as two and four years old. He cited television shows like "Rachel" and drag queen story hours as examples of the inundation of LGBTQ+ messages that are reaching children.

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

"It is not a surprise to anyone who loves God, who loves their children and who loves America that our country and our children are under assault today," said Cameron. He emphasized the need to teach children the importance of faith, family, and positive values in the face of these influences.

Cameron believes that the "See You at the Library" event is a crucial opportunity for parents and grandparents to take an active role in shaping their children's values. He encourages them to "farm out" their parenting to movements or organizations but instead to utilize the tools and resources provided by events like this to fulfill their sacred duty of teaching their children about love, faith, and the importance of resisting the "crooked and perverse winds of a culture that seeks to enslave your children and take away their future."

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

"Let's teach our children the true meaning of love. Love embraces humility. Love speaks out against sin courageously. Love never bows to the crooked and perverse winds of a culture that seeks to enslave your children and take away their future." Cameron added

Cameron remains steadfast in his message of love, faith, and courage despite the challenges that come with doing so in a politically charged environment. He draws inspiration from historical figures like the Founding Fathers and Mothers who demonstrated unwavering courage and faith in the face of adversity.

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

He implores families to join him at public libraries on August 24th to sing the national anthem, read wholesome books of virtue, and pray. The goal is to gather over 500 libraries and tens of thousands of people to show their support for traditional American constitutional and biblical values.

"We are calling on families all across the nation to double what we did last year. We want to see over 500 libraries, 600 libraries, in all 50 states and tens of thousands of people gathering to say that we want to return to the American constitutional and biblical values in public libraries," said Cameron.

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

Cameron recognizes the importance of America as a precious gift from God, fostering life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He believes that it is the sacred duty of citizens to correct any errors that threaten those virtues and that this must be done with integrity, love, and understanding.

"When government no longer protects those virtues and plunders those virtues, it is the sacred duty and the right of the citizens of America to correct those errors. And we have to do that with integrity. We have to do that with love and understanding and with great courage," stated Cameron.

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event

Cameron urges individuals to identify themselves as sinners saved by grace rather than by their sexuality and to embrace gratitude instead of pride. He encourages families to participate in the "See You at the Library 2024" event as an opportunity to stand up for their values and pass on a legacy of faith, hope, and love to future generations.

Kirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' EventKirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' EventKirk Cameron Calls for a Massive Turnout at 'See You at the Library 2024' Event