Kosovo's Unconditional Support for Ukraine: A Warning Against Russian Aggression

Kosovo's Foreign Minister, Donika Gërvalla-Schwarz, has strongly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing that her country's support for Kyiv is unwavering despite not recognizing its independence. She believes that Russia's defeat is essential for preventing the spread of conflict across Europe, drawing parallels to Kosovo's own experiences with Serbian aggression.

Kosovo's Unconditional Support for Ukraine: A Warning Against Russian Aggression

Kosovo's Foreign Minister, Donika Gërvalla-Schwarz, has unequivocally condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, expressing strong support for Kyiv's fight for independence. Despite Kosovo not recognizing Ukraine as a state, Gërvalla-Schwarz emphasized that her country understands Ukraine's plight all too well.

Kosovo's Unconditional Support for Ukraine: A Warning Against Russian Aggression

"We know exactly what Ukraine is going through," Gërvalla-Schwarz said in an interview with The Associated Press. "There is only one solution, not only for Ukraine, but for Europe: Russia must lose the war, and Ukraine must win."

Gërvalla-Schwarz's comments come as Kosovo remembers the atrocities committed by Serbian forces in the 1990s, an experience that led to Kosovo's declaration of independence in 2008. While Kosovo is a small nation with limited resources, it has extended its support to Ukraine, including providing military aid.

"We have tried to be very helpful with Ukraine and have not hesitated to show our unconditional support and sympathy to the people and to the state of Ukraine," Gërvalla-Schwarz said.

The Foreign Minister's visit to Poland this week coincided with a visit to Serbia by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who pledged to deepen ties with Belgrade. Gërvalla-Schwarz expressed concern that Serbia's alignment with Russia undermines its status as an EU candidate state.

"You cannot be at the same time a candidate state of the European Union and be the proxy of Russia," she said.

Gërvalla-Schwarz's unwavering support for Ukraine underscores Kosovo's understanding of the threat posed by Russian aggression. They believe that Russia's defeat is necessary to prevent further conflict in Europe and to protect the sovereignty of nations, especially those with histories of oppression and war.

As Kosovo remembers its own struggle for independence, it stands shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine, recognizing the importance of fighting against aggression and upholding the principles of international law. Kosovo's support serves as a reminder that the fight for freedom and democracy extends beyond borders, uniting nations against the forces of tyranny.