Kristen Stewart Slams Hollywood for "Phony" Diversity Efforts

In a candid interview with Porter Magazine, actress Kristen Stewart denounced Hollywood's self-congratulatory approach to female representation, highlighting the ongoing lack of opportunities for female filmmakers.

Kristen Stewart Slams Hollywood for

A-list actress Kristen Stewart has launched a scathing critique of Hollywood's superficial diversity efforts, calling out the industry's tokenistic approach to showcasing female filmmakers. In an interview with Porter Magazine, Stewart expressed her frustration with the limited progress made in terms of gender equality behind the camera.

Kristen Stewart Slams Hollywood for

"There's a thinking that we can check these little boxes and then do away with the patriarchy, and how we're all made of it," Stewart asserted. "It's easy for them to be like, 'Look what we're doing. We're making Maggie Gyllenhaal's movie! We're making Margot Robbie's movie!' And you're like, 'OK, cool. You've chosen four.'"

Stewart's criticism stems from the fact that while the industry has made some strides in featuring female filmmakers, the number of opportunities remains disproportionately low. She pointed out that highlighting a select few women as examples of progress is a disingenuous attempt to mask the systemic imbalance.

Kristen Stewart Slams Hollywood for

"And I'm in awe of those women, I love those women [but] it feels phony," Stewart continued. "If we're congratulating each other for broadening perspective, when we haven't really done enough, then we stop broadening."

Stewart's comments echo the experiences of many female filmmakers who face significant barriers in financing, distribution, and marketing their films. Despite the industry's declarations of inclusivity, women continue to be marginalized within the creative process.

Beyond the issue of female representation, Stewart also noted a shift in the way women are perceived in the public eye. "Even if we're still emotionally violent towards women right now, it's so much more passive-aggressive... [Before] it was just so f--king straight up," she observed.

Stewart's criticisms come as Hollywood faces ongoing pressure to address its diversity and inclusion issues. While the industry has made some improvements in recent years, there is still a long way to go before true gender equality is achieved.

In addition to her comments on diversity, Stewart also discussed her upcoming directorial debut, "The Chronology of Water," an adaptation of Lidia Yuknavitch's memoir. The actress-turned-director expressed her excitement about the project and her desire to use her platform to tell stories that resonate with audiences.

Stewart also revealed that she is temporarily putting her acting career on hold to focus on her directorial ambitions. "I'm going to make this movie before I ever work for someone else," she declared. "Yeah, I will quit the f--king business. I won't make a-f--king-nother movie until I make this movie."

With her outspoken criticism and ambitious plans for the future, Kristen Stewart is proving to be both a vocal advocate for change and a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Her voice will undoubtedly continue to shape the debate around diversity and representation for years to come.