Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash

Witnesses in Las Vegas have provided video footage and testimonies to police, claiming they encountered extraterrestrial beings following a possible UFO crash. Experts have analyzed the evidence, leading to conflicting opinions.

Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash

In April 2023, Las Vegas police received a peculiar 911 call from a family claiming to have witnessed an unusual event in their backyard. The family reported seeing "tall, skinny alien creatures with greenish color," measuring approximately 8 to 10 feet tall.

Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash

The witness, Angel Kenmore, described the creatures' distinctive features in a YouTube video. "I looked at it in the eyes, and my body just froze like having sleep paralysis," Kenmore recounted. "It had a weird-looking face, big feet and big shiny eyes and a big mouth. I can hear its loud, deep breathing and its stomach kept moving. He would just stare at me, and seconds later, I could move again."

Scott Roder, a veteran crime scene recreation expert, scrutinized the video footage provided by the family and concluded that it depicted two creatures moving around the yard. Using motion-tracking software, Roder analyzed the video and found no evidence of editing or manipulation.

Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash

"All of our results came back as authentic," Roder stated. "There's no editing. That is an original video."

Roder's findings add credibility to the family's claims, but skepticism remains. Ben Hansen, host of "UFO Witness," dismissed the creatures as shadows, claiming that they could be easily replicated. Roder challenged this assertion, stating that the motion of the shadows matched the expected movements of a body attached to a head.

Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash

The Las Vegas police department responded to the incident by searching the backyard for physical evidence and interviewing the witnesses. The officers deemed the witnesses to be sober and credible and continued to investigate the matter.

George Knapp, a leading reporter on UFO-related stories, spoke to the family after the crash and found no indication of a hoax. Metro Police also took the incident seriously, providing surveillance around the house due to the family's concerns for their safety.

Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash

The incident has sparked widespread debate, with some experts and organizations claiming that the video is legitimate proof of alien visitation. Others remain skeptical, calling for further evidence to substantiate the claims. The true nature of the alleged UFO crash and the creatures involved remains uncertain, leaving the mystery open for further investigation.

Las Vegas Police Investigate Reports of 'Aliens' After Purported UFO Crash