Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

A renowned crime scene recreation expert has analyzed footage from a purported UFO crash in Las Vegas, concluding that it is authentic and depicts two non-human beings creeping in the family's backyard. The incident, which prompted a bizarre 911 call, has been fiercely debated, with some skeptics dismissing it as a hoax.

Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

In the aftermath of a perplexing 911 call in Las Vegas, where residents reported seeing a "tall, skinny alien creature" in their backyard, a seasoned crime scene recreation expert has scrutinized the video footage and arrived at a startling conclusion. Scott Roder, of Evidence Room Animation and Exhibits, employed his expertise and motion tracking software to analyze the video, which allegedly captured a UFO crash-landing.

Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

Initially, Roder's team set out to debunk the responding officers' bodycam footage or expose any potential tampering. However, their meticulous examination revealed an astonishing discovery: two enigmatic beings stealthily moving through the Las Vegas yard that fateful night.

"All of our results came back as authentic," Roder asserted. "There's no editing. That is an original video."

Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

The initial witness, Angel Kenmore, had previously described his encounter with the extraterrestrial creature in a YouTube video. "I looked at it in the eyes, and my body just froze like having sleep paralysis," he recounted. "He had a weird-looking face, big feet and big shiny eyes and a big mouth.

"I can hear its loud, deep breathing and its stomach kept moving. He would just stare at me, and seconds later, I could move again."

Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

Roder's meticulous examination of the footage, frame by frame, unveiled a previously overlooked detail: two distinct beings in the video simultaneously. Using motion-tracking software, he demonstrated how the movement of the shadows corresponded to the movement of bodies attached to heads.

"We don’t believe it’s a floating head," Roder emphasized. "We believe it’s attached to a body. And the motion of that head from right to left is consistent with the motion that we see between the slats of the fence."

Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

The bizarre incident has sparked intense debate since a streak of light illuminated the Las Vegas sky on April 30, 2023. Over 20 individuals across several states reported witnessing a glowing green light, as per the American Meteor Society. At 11:50 p.m. on April 30, a Las Vegas police officer's bodycam also captured a similar luminous green light.

Despite the family's insistence that they witnessed a crashed UFO and alien beings, some skeptics, such as Ben Hansen of "UFO Witness," have dismissed their claims as a hoax. Hansen maintains that the "creature" is merely a shadow.

Las Vegas UFO Crash: Family's Account Corroborated by Expert Analysis

However, Roder refutes this hypothesis, arguing that recreating the alleged shadow should be a simple task. He has challenged skeptics to replicate the observed movements and shadows, stating that his stance will be reconsidered if such a feat is accomplished.

George Knapp, a renowned reporter covering UFO-related stories, has affirmed the credibility of the family's account. "Metro police took it seriously. The officers who respond to the 911 call interviewed the three witnesses and found them to be sober and credible," Knapp stated. "They searched the backyard, looked for physical evidence, canvassed the neighborhood for more witnesses, then returned day later for a follow-up.

"We had multiple conversations with the family over the past four weeks and didn't detect a hint of a hoax. But what really happened? We don't know."

For several weeks following the incident, Las Vegas police maintained surveillance around the family's residence due to their concerns for their safety. The family's account and the corroborating evidence provided by Roder's analysis have fueled the ongoing debate surrounding the enigmatic events that unfolded in Las Vegas that night.