Laura Ingraham Slams Kamala Harris' Immigration Policy, Warns of Invasion

Fox News host Laura Ingraham tore into Vice President Kamala Harris' immigration policy on her show "The Ingraham Angle," accusing her of exacerbating the crisis at the southern border and endangering the country.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham unleashed a scathing attack on Vice President Kamala Harris' immigration policy on "The Ingraham Angle," accusing her of leaving the country wide open to illegal immigration and putting Americans at risk.

Ingraham accused Harris of ignoring the plight of American citizens living in lower-income areas and small towns who are being disproportionately affected by the influx of illegal immigrants. She claimed that these communities are seeing their safety and security threatened as crime and other problems escalate.

Laura Ingraham Slams Kamala Harris' Immigration Policy, Warns of Invasion

Laura Ingraham Slams Kamala Harris' Immigration Policy, Warns of Invasion

"President Trump is right. They're seeing their communities changed, and you bet, not for the better — and a change by the millions of illegals who flooded America courtesy of the Joe and Kamala migrant express," Ingraham said.

Ingraham's comments came as the Biden administration continues to grapple with the ongoing crisis at the southern border, where record numbers of illegal immigrants are crossing into the United States.

According to Ingraham, Harris' failure to address the border crisis has resulted in a surge of illegal drug smuggling, leading to the deaths of Americans from fentanyl overdoses. She also highlighted the strain that the influx of immigrants is placing on schools and other public services in communities across the country.

"If you know someone whose kid died from fentanyl smuggled across the border, or seen your grandkids’ schools struggling to keep up with the ESL demands, or maybe you notice crime creeping up in your once-safe neighborhoods, Kamala Harris' message to you: Too bad," Ingraham said.

Ingraham further accused Harris of showing a lack of concern for the victims of illegal immigration, claiming that her policy is contributing to a rise in violence and other crimes.

"It's not just the money we're bleeding — it's the victims who are bleeding as well," Ingraham said.

Ingraham's criticism of Harris is part of a larger conservative effort to paint the Biden administration as soft on immigration and border security. Republicans have long accused the Democrats of prioritizing the rights of illegal immigrants over the safety and welfare of American citizens.

The Biden administration has defended its immigration policy, arguing that it is more humane and effective than the Trump administration's approach, which included separating children from their parents at the border. However, critics have pointed to the ongoing crisis at the border as evidence that the Biden administration is not doing enough to address the problem.

Ingraham's attack on Harris is likely to resonate with conservative viewers who share her concerns about illegal immigration. It remains to be seen whether her criticism will have any impact on the Biden administration's policy, but it is a clear indication that the issue of immigration will continue to be a major political battleground in the United States.