Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre

Despite a massive $4.64 billion judgment against the Juarez Cartel for a massacre of American citizens in Mexico, legal challenges threaten to derail compensation for the bereaved families.

Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre

The tragic murder of three mothers and 14 children in a 2019 ambush by the Juarez Cartel in Mexico has prompted a legal battle over the distribution of cartel assets seized by US law enforcement.

Representing the victims' families, the Motley Rice Law Firm has filed over 1,200 claims against US government-confiscated cash and assets from Mexican drug traffickers. While some claims have been successful, the firm has faced resistance from the federal prosecutor's office in New York.

Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre

In a 2022 trial, a federal judge awarded the plaintiffs $4.64 billion, deeming the massacre an act of terrorism under the Anti-Terrorism Act. However, the New York federal prosecutor argues that there is no connection between the funds seized in a 2021 money laundering bust and the massacre.

In contrast, a federal judge in Ohio ruled in favor of the victims' families, granting them $9.93 million in seized assets. Legal experts believe that these conflicting decisions could lead to a precedent-setting ruling by a higher court.

Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre

Professor Louis Rulli of the University of Pennsylvania notes that appellate courts have previously sided with the government in similar cases, but the US Supreme Court has yet to make a determination. Stefan Cassella, a former federal prosecutor, supports the New York prosecutor's stance, arguing that seized assets should not be used to settle unrelated debts.

Meanwhile, the Motley Firm remains hopeful that they will be able to fulfill their $4.64 billion goal and provide closure for the families who lost loved ones in the senseless tragedy.

Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre

David Langford, the husband and father of three victims, expressed his gratitude for the efforts of the Motley Rice Law Firm but acknowledged the challenges they face. "We're going to keep fighting for what's right," he said.

The case has also highlighted the growing presence of Mexican cartels in the United States, with the DEA warning that the "most powerful and ruthless" cartels operate in all 50 states. International private investigator Jay Armes emphasized the need for vigilance, noting that cartel members can blend seamlessly into American society.

Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre

The outcome of the legal battles will ultimately determine whether the families of the American victims will receive compensation for the immeasurable loss they have suffered.

Lawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican MassacreLawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican MassacreLawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican MassacreLawyers Battle over Cartel Funds for American Victims of Mexican Massacre