Left-Wing Climate Group Backed by Big Money Targets Young Voters

Our Children's Trust (OCT), a public interest law firm claiming to represent children's rights to a safe climate, has filed numerous lawsuits against governments worldwide. Fox News Digital has uncovered OCT's financial backing from major left-wing nonprofits and connections to progressive activists.

Left-Wing Climate Group Backed by Big Money Targets Young Voters

Our Children's Trust (OCT), an Oregon-based public charity, has gained prominence in recent years for its strategic litigation against governments on behalf of young people affected by climate change. While the group claims to provide a legal voice for children, Fox News Digital's investigation reveals substantial financial backing from left-wing organizations and a leadership with a history of progressive activism.

Since its establishment over a decade ago, OCT has filed multiple lawsuits against federal, state, and international governments, arguing that their actions contribute to climate change and violate the constitutional rights of children. The group's legal actions have spanned all 50 states in the U.S. and have extended to countries such as Canada, Mexico, Pakistan, India, and Uganda.

Left-Wing Climate Group Backed by Big Money Targets Young Voters

Mat dos Santos, OCT's co-executive director and general counsel, and Julia Olson, its chief legal counsel and co-executive director, have extensive backgrounds in progressive activism. Dos Santos has held leadership positions in organizations advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, immigrants, and criminal justice reform. Olson previously worked at Earthjustice, a prominent environmental law organization.

OCT's financial records indicate that the group has received significant funding from liberal nonprofits, including the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation, the Alex C. Walker Foundation, and Impact Assets. The Amalgamated Foundation, in particular, has emerged as a major financier of OCT, providing $200,000 in 2022 alone.

Left-Wing Climate Group Backed by Big Money Targets Young Voters

The Amalgamated Charitable Foundation is the charitable arm of Amalgamated Bank, a financial institution owned and controlled by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). George Soros' Open Society Foundation endorsed the foundation's post-January 6th initiative to redirect donations from Republicans to the Amalgamated Foundation.

OCT actively recruits children between the ages of 8 and 18 to serve as plaintiffs in its lawsuits. The group's online interest form requests detailed personal information, including pronouns and the impact of climate change on the child.

Left-Wing Climate Group Backed by Big Money Targets Young Voters

In 2023, the Montana Supreme Court ruled in favor of OCT in a climate change lawsuit filed on behalf of a group of children against the state. The court concluded that certain state laws promoting fossil fuels violated the plaintiffs' constitutional rights. The ruling marked a significant legal victory for OCT.

OCT's lawsuits have faced opposition from several states, including Montana, which has appealed the Montana Supreme Court ruling. Critics argue that OCT is exploiting children's concerns about climate change to advance a political agenda and undermine responsible energy development.

Left-Wing Climate Group Backed by Big Money Targets Young Voters

Our Children's Trust (OCT) has emerged as a prominent voice in the climate change litigation landscape. However, Fox News Digital's investigation unveils a network of financial and ideological connections that raise questions about the group's independence and motivations. OCT's reliance on left-wing funding and the backgrounds of its leadership suggest a strategic alignment with progressive objectives rather than solely representing the interests of children.