Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Eric Lipka, a former Democrat staffer, has joined the Biden-Harris campaign as a deputy press secretary despite his controversial past as a "drag queen" on weekends. Lipka's social media accounts reveal numerous posts promoting drag shows and events, raising questions about his suitability for a high-profile position in the presidential campaign.

The recent hiring of Tyler Cherry, a former Department of the Interior spokesperson, and Andy Volosky, a new deputy director of platforms for the White House digital team, has sparked controversy due to their past statements and activities. Now, the Biden campaign has added another polarizing figure to its ranks: Eric Lipka.

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Lipka, who previously worked in Senator Elizabeth Warren's office, announced his appointment as deputy press secretary for Pennsylvania on social media. However, his social media posts quickly drew attention to his weekend activities as a "drag queen" under the names "Erotica," "Erica Lipka," and "Erotica the Drag Queen."

A review of Lipka's public social media accounts from 2021 onwards reveals numerous promotions for drag brunches, shows, and events featuring himself and other drag queens. He has performed at Hampden Sydney College, the Unity Alliance Lavender Ball, and other venues across Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C.

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Lipka's drag persona has sparked criticism and raised questions about his judgment and suitability for a position in the Biden campaign. Some have expressed concerns about the potential impact of his activities on the campaign's image, while others have defended his right to express himself freely.

The Biden campaign has responded to the controversy by defending Lipka's appointment. "We're proud to have a team of 200 talented Pennsylvania staffers, including Eric, highlighting Trump's record killing 275,000 jobs across the commonwealth and his discriminatory and extreme Project 2025 agenda to make life worse for our families," said Jack Doyle, the Pennsylvania communications director for the Biden campaign.

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Lipka's drag activities have not been limited to his personal life. While interning for Representative Robert Garcia, he coordinated a meeting between Garcia's office and 'RuPaul's Drag Race' winner Sasha Colby, which he promoted within the LGBTQ+ community.

Lipka's X and Instagram accounts under the "Erotica" name have thousands of followers. His X bio reads "woman from the neck up," while his Instagram bio describes him as "DC's twirling twunk."

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

Liberal 'Drag Queen' Hired by Biden Campaign as Deputy Press Secretary

The hiring of Lipka by the Biden campaign has raised concerns about the influence of identity politics in modern politics. Some argue that individuals should be judged based on their qualifications, not their personal choices or identities. Others contend that diversity and inclusion in government and politics are essential for representing the full spectrum of society.

Regardless of one's position on Lipka's personal activities, his appointment has brought renewed attention to the intersection of personal lives, professional careers, and political campaigns. The Biden campaign's defense of Lipka's hiring suggests that they believe his drag persona is not relevant to his ability to perform his job as deputy press secretary.