Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Concerned about the woke indoctrination rampant in today's schools? Dr. Ben Carson's Little Patriots Learning offers a lifeline for parents seeking a patriotic and balanced education for their children. This free online resource empowers parents to teach their young ones about America's remarkable history and instilling a sense of pride and responsibility in them.

As children across the country head back to school, parents are increasingly concerned about the distorted and often politically charged history curriculum being taught in classrooms. Amidst this worrying trend, Dr. Ben Carson, former HUD secretary and renowned neurosurgeon, has founded Little Patriots Learning, a free online resource that offers a patriotic alternative for parents who want their children to receive a balanced and inspiring education about America's founding principles.

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Launched in the fall of 2021, Little Patriots Learning provides a comprehensive array of educational materials, including at-home activities, patriotic books, in-depth studies, cartoons, and sing-a-longs that aim to instill a deep understanding and appreciation for America's history and values.

Dr. Carson's inspiration for establishing Little Patriots Learning stemmed from the alarming revelations made during the COVID-19 pandemic when parents gained unprecedented access to their children's lessons. To his dismay, he discovered that many children were being subjected to inappropriate and divisive content, including lessons on gender identity, prompting him to take action.

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Little Patriots Learning stands in stark contrast to the woke ideology that has permeated many classrooms. Dr. Carson vehemently opposes critical race theory and the 1619 Project, which he believes present a distorted and incomplete view of American history, focusing excessively on the negative aspects while downplaying the nation's triumphs and progress.

Little Patriots Learning, on the other hand, emphasizes the "Patriots" part, teaching children not only the good but also the bad and ugly aspects of history, with a balanced perspective that fosters critical thinking and patriotism.

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Dr. Carson believes it is imperative for children to have inspiring role models to look up to. Among his favorites are George Washington for his leadership, Benjamin Franklin for his innovation, and Booker T. Washington for his emphasis on self-reliance.

Little Patriots Learning aims to instill in children a strong belief in themselves and their abilities, empowering them to overcome challenges and make a positive impact on the world. The program encourages children to take ownership of their own education and develop a lifelong love of learning.

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Little Patriots Learning: Dr. Ben Carson's Patriotic Education Revolution for Children

Little Patriots Learning has gained significant traction among parents who share Dr. Carson's concerns about the state of education in America. The program has been widely praised for its patriotic approach and its ability to engage children in a fun and interactive way.

The growth of Little Patriots Learning and similar initiatives across the country reflects a growing movement of parents who are demanding a return to a more balanced and patriotic education system. This movement is likely to play a pivotal role in the upcoming November presidential election, with education emerging as a key issue.

Little Patriots Learning is a timely and necessary resource for parents who seek to instill a love of country and a deep understanding of American history in their children. Dr. Ben Carson's vision of a more patriotic and inspiring education is resonating with countless families across the nation, providing them with the tools to raise the next generation of informed and responsible citizens who will shape the future of America.