Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

Lila Rose, founder of the leading pro-life organization Live Action, warns that former President Trump could alienate his pro-life base by shifting his stance on abortion policies.

Live Action founder Lila Rose has issued a stark warning to former President Trump: the pro-life vote must be earned. In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Rose expressed concerns that Trump's recent softening on abortion policies could jeopardize his support among pro-life voters.

"No one owns the pro-life vote," Rose said. "It has to be earned."

Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

Rose's comments come amid reports that Trump has been modifying his stance on abortion, potentially to appeal to independents and disillusioned Democrats. This shift has raised alarms among pro-life activists, who fear that the former president is abandoning their cause.

In particular, Rose pointed to Trump's recent statement that he would leave abortion access to the states, as well as his opposition to a federal abortion ban. She emphasized that the primary objective of the pro-life movement is to restrict abortion to save human lives, and that Trump's current platform is at odds with this goal.

Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

"Increasingly, his platform and his rhetoric is pro-abortion and that should disturb and concern the pro-life movement as it is," Rose said.

She went on to say that Trump needs to demonstrate a genuine commitment to pro-life principles by supporting pro-life laws and opposing Amendment Four, the right to abortion initiative in Florida.

Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

Live Action Founder Warns Trump: Pro-Life Vote Must Be Earned

"We're over two months out of this election, and Trump has changed his position in the past, as everyone knows," Rose said. "I think he's changing it now to support abortion."

However, Trump's campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, maintains that the former president supports the rights of states to decide on abortion and opposes a federal ban.

"President Trump also supports universal access to contraception and IVF," Leavitt said. "Contrarily, Kamala Harris and the Democrats are radically out of touch with the majority of Americans in their support for abortion up until birth and forcing taxpayers to fund it."

Despite these assurances, Rose remains skeptical. She argues that Trump's base motivations are purely political.

"I think it's politically foolish and morally wrong what he's doing," Rose said. "I think he's not winning any pro-abortion people to his side. Kamala Harris spent an entire week at the DNC cheerleading for the abortion industry to shore up her base, and then President Trump comes out and throws his base under the bus and tries to cheerlead for Kamala's base."

Rose's concerns are echoed by other pro-life activists, who believe that Trump's recent moves are a betrayal of their movement.

"President Trump has abandoned the pro-life movement," said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List. "He has turned his back on the voters who elected him and on the unborn children who need his protection."

It remains to be seen whether Trump will reconsider his stance on abortion or if he will continue to alienate his pro-life base. However, it is clear that the former president's shift in position has created a rift within the pro-life movement and raised questions about his commitment to their cause.