Louisiana House and Senate Approve Restrictive Transgender Bill, Codifying 'Sex' as Binary

The Louisiana legislature has passed HB 608, a bill that aims to restrict transgender bathroom policies and codify the meanings of "sex," "male," and "female" in state law. The bill now heads to Republican Governor Jeff Landry for his signature.

Louisiana House and Senate Approve Restrictive Transgender Bill, Codifying 'Sex' as Binary

The Louisiana House and Senate have approved HB 608, a bill that aims to codify the meanings of "sex," "male," and "female" in state law and restrict transgender bathroom policies. The bill, dubbed the "Women's Safety and Protection Act," passed the State House 80-17 on April 11 and the State Senate 30-5 on Friday. It now heads to Republican Governor Jeff Landry for his signature.

The bill defines "sex" as being determined by an individual's "chromosomal structure" at the time of birth. It also states that "male" and "female" refer to "biological sexes" and that "a person's sex cannot be changed."

Louisiana House and Senate Approve Restrictive Transgender Bill, Codifying 'Sex' as Binary

The bill requires public schools, colleges, and universities to designate separate restrooms, dormitories, and locker rooms for "male" and "female" students. It also prohibits transgender individuals from participating in sports that correspond to their gender identity.

Proponents of the bill argue that it is necessary to protect women and children from sexual predators. They claim that allowing transgender individuals to use restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity would put women and girls at risk.

Louisiana House and Senate Approve Restrictive Transgender Bill, Codifying 'Sex' as Binary

Opponents of the bill argue that it is discriminatory and harmful to transgender individuals. They say the bill would increase the vulnerability of transgender people and make it harder for them to live their lives authentically.

The Louisiana Superintendent of Education, Cade Brumley, and Governor Landry have launched a lawsuit against the Biden administration over Title IX protections for transgender students. The lawsuit argues that the federal government's interpretation of Title IX conflicts with state law.

Louisiana House and Senate Approve Restrictive Transgender Bill, Codifying 'Sex' as Binary

The Louisiana bill is part of a wave of anti-transgender legislation that has been introduced in state legislatures across the country. At least 16 states have passed laws restricting transgender rights, and more are considering similar measures.

The passage of HB 608 in Louisiana is a significant victory for anti-transgender forces. The bill could have a devastating impact on the lives of transgender individuals in the state. It is likely to face legal challenges, but it is unclear whether the courts will strike it down.

* The bill was sponsored by Republican State Representative Roger Wilder III of Denham Springs.

* In 2016, then-Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry opposed the Obama administration's interpretation of Title IX regarding bathroom use by transgender students.

* Former Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards vetoed three transgender-related bills in 2023.

* Louisiana is the only state in the Deep South with a Republican governor.

* The Associated Press contributed to this report.