Love Letter to the PG People's Choice Award: Share Your Mobile Gaming Obsession

The PG People's Choice Award is back, inviting players to nominate the mobile games that have captivated them. Share your gaming experiences of 2023/24 and help recognize the extraordinary titles and teams behind them.

Love Letter to the PG People's Choice Award: Share Your Mobile Gaming Obsession

"Until the end of time, I'll be there for you,

You own my heart and mind,

I truly adore you."

Prince's heartfelt lyrics could easily describe our unwavering devotion to the mobile games that have stolen our hearts and minds. From the adrenaline-pumping thrill of action adventures to the immersive worlds of strategy simulations, these digital companions have enriched our lives with countless hours of entertainment and escapades.

Now, it's your turn to pen your own love letter to the mobile gaming experiences that have left an enduring mark on you. The PG People's Choice Award is back, providing a platform to celebrate the exceptional games and teams that deserve recognition for their brilliance.

Nominating your mobile gaming obsession is as simple as filling out a quick form before midnight on June 17th. Share your thoughts on the games that have captivated you since January 2023, whether they've left you awestruck, transported you to other realms, or simply brought a smile to your face.

To qualify for your nomination, games must have been fully launched between January 2023 and June 2024 and available on iOS or Android platforms. Whether it's a visually stunning masterpiece, an innovative gameplay mechanic, or a compelling story that has woven its way into your heart, we encourage you to submit multiple nominations for games that have truly left their mark.

From the abundant nominations, our team will carefully curate a list of finalists that you, our esteemed players, will have the honor of voting on. The ultimate winner will be unveiled during the PG Mobile Games Awards on August 20th, receiving the well-deserved recognition that their exceptional creation warrants.

As you embark on your nominating spree, we kindly request that you adhere to our "house-quaking" guidelines:

* Nominations must be for fully launched games within the specified timeframe.

* Multiple nominations are welcomed, showcasing your diverse gaming preferences.

* Games must be available on iOS or Android platforms.

* The nomination deadline is Monday, June 17th, 2024, so don't miss out on this opportunity to express your gaming adoration.

The PG People's Choice Award is a testament to the transformative power of mobile gaming. It's an invitation to reflect on the games that have touched our lives and to celebrate the developers who dedicate their passion and creativity to bringing us these digital wonders.

So, gather your thoughts, open your hearts, and share your gaming love stories. Let's make this year's PG People's Choice Award a resounding symphony of appreciation for the mobile games that deserve our undying devotion.