Lt. Chris Olivarez Warns of Dangerous Border Crossers Amid Surge in Illegal Immigration

Texas Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Chris Olivarez raises concerns over the increasing number of illegal crossings, the dangers posed by unknown individuals, and the alarming rise in "gotaway" incidents.

Lt. Chris Olivarez Warns of Dangerous Border Crossers Amid Surge in Illegal Immigration

The Southern border at Eagle Pass, Texas, has become a glaring testament to the escalating crisis of illegal immigration and its grave implications for the security of the nation. Lt. Chris Olivarez, a spokesperson for the Texas Department of Public Safety, has sounded the alarm over the alarming incidents witnessed and the grave dangers lurking within the influx of unknown individuals crossing the border.

The humanitarian crisis unfolds before our eyes: individuals brazenly striding across the wide-open border, seeking refuge or exploiting vulnerabilities. The absence of law and order has painted a grim picture of an invasion, aided and abetted by the Biden administration and the well-funded machinations of NGOs that prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the American people.

Lt. Chris Olivarez Warns of Dangerous Border Crossers Amid Surge in Illegal Immigration

The most disconcerting aspect of the border situation is the surge in single adult males crossing the border—a worrying indicator of a coordinated and organized infiltration by hostile foreign nations. The Biden administration, instead of recognizing this threat, has chosen appeasement and inaction, leaving the border vulnerable and allowing enemies to exploit the situation.

The FBI Director, Christopher Wray, has repeatedly expressed grave concerns about the dangerous individuals traversing the border, citing the imminent threat of terrorist attacks and the rampant drug trafficking that accompanies the influx. Even members of the Biden administration's own party have voiced their alarm, urging for immediate action to secure the border.

Lt. Chris Olivarez Warns of Dangerous Border Crossers Amid Surge in Illegal Immigration

The Biden administration's inexplicable opposition to measures such as S.B. 4, which empowers state authorities to apprehend and prosecute individuals suspected of illegal entry, is a glaring example of their disregard for the rule of law and their responsibility to protect the nation.

Public sentiment unequivocally demands border security, with nearly a third of Americans advocating for the closure of the southern border to curb illegal immigration. The urgency of this issue continues to rise, with a significant increase in the number of voters viewing it as a paramount problem, surpassing concerns like inflation, crime, and unemployment.

Lt. Chris Olivarez Warns of Dangerous Border Crossers Amid Surge in Illegal Immigration

The overwhelming support for mass deportations of illegal immigrants underscores the public's growing frustration with the unchecked influx. As the border crisis intensifies, it is imperative for Americans to rally behind candidates committed to securing the border and addressing the threats posed by illegal immigration.

A strong coalition of border-security advocates in the House, Senate, and the White House is the nation's last hope for reversing the destructive policies that have fueled this crisis. Only then can America begin to regain control of its borders and safeguard its citizens from the perils of illegal immigration.