Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Comedian Bill Maher believes President Biden will be replaced as the Democratic nominee, citing concerns over his age and fitness for office. Despite Biden's insistence on staying in the race, Maher predicts pressure will mount for a change in leadership.

Bill Maher, the outspoken host of HBO's "Real Time," has voiced his skepticism about President Biden's ability to remain the Democratic nominee for the upcoming election. In an episode of The Rubin Report released on Tuesday, Maher argued that Biden's age and recent performance in debates have raised concerns within the Democratic Party.

"It does not have to be a disaster. There is still time," Maher said. "It almost doesn't matter who it is. Just someone new. The less we know about them the better." He urged Democrats to field a candidate who is not "100 years old," has a "D" next to their name, and is relatively centrist to secure victory in the election.

Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Despite Biden's determination to stay in the race, Maher expressed strong doubts about his chances of remaining the nominee. "Pressure will keep building," he said. "I would put money on it that he's just not going to be the candidate."

Biden's disastrous performance in the Democratic debate last month has intensified scrutiny over his fitness for office and heightened concerns among Democrats about his ability to defeat former President Trump. Biden, however, has repeatedly stated that he plans to stay in the race.

Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Maher raised concerns about Biden's age, suggesting that he is too old for the demanding role of president. However, he clarified that he did not believe Biden was senile, despite his public gaffes and stuttering. "He’s terrible in public. He’s terrible when you put him under pressure with his stuttering and his age, yes," Maher said. "But he has not lost his marbles."

Maher expressed confidence that Biden could still make sound decisions in a crisis. "Yes, trust me, he has his marbles, he could make the right decision. He’s not crazy, he just shouldn't be president. It's a day to day job," he said.

Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Maher Declares Biden's Time Out, Predicts Democrats Will Seek Fresh Nominee

Despite his concerns about Biden's age, Maher does not fear that he would make irrational decisions in a crisis. "But do I fear that in a crisis, crazy, out-of-his-mind is there? No," he said, referring to Trump.

President Biden has stated that he has no intention of stepping aside as the Democratic nominee. However, the podcast recording appears to predate the shooting at a Trump campaign rally on Saturday, which left one person dead and the former president injured.