Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him

HBO host Bill Maher denounced religious Trump supporters for their belief that God protected the former president from an assassination attempt last week.

In the closing monologue of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the host launched into a fiery rebuke of those who have attributed Trump's survival to divine intervention. "Enough is enough with interpreting every event as a direct message from heaven," Maher exclaimed. He condemned the attempted assassination as a horrific act but urged Trump supporters to abandon their "magical thinking."

Maher's ire was particularly directed at those who have likened Trump to a demigod, shielded by the armor of God. Rep. Steve Scalise, a former victim of an assassination attempt, had suggested that the hand of God was present during Trump's close call. Maher mocked Scalise, noting that God's protection seemed to be absent during Scalise's own shooting, where the bullet missed his ear and lodged in his spleen.

Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him

Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him

The HBO host went on to criticize the belief that God sends signs through mundane objects, such as flapjacks, frying pans, and Walmart receipts. "If God has something to communicate to us, why doesn't he just say it?" Maher questioned. He argued that the practice of seeking divine signs in everything is a symptom of a troubling mindset.

Maher also expressed concern that the elevation of Trump to a demigod status could lead to dangerous consequences. "Many cultures have tried it – the earthly being who is simultaneously divine or god-ish. And it never turns out well," he warned. He cited historical examples of pharaohs, Julius Caesar, and Hirohito, all of whom were treated as demigods and ultimately led their nations to ruin.

Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him

Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him

The host concluded his segment by urging Trump supporters to embrace reality and reject the dangerous mythologization of their leader. "America doesn't need a demigod," Maher declared. He emphasized the importance of critical thinking and the need to avoid blind adherence to unsubstantiated claims.

Maher's comments sparked a heated debate on social media, with some viewers applauding his skepticism and others accusing him of mocking religious beliefs. The controversy surrounding Trump's assassination attempt and the subsequent claims of divine intervention underscore the deep divisions within American society, particularly in the realm of politics and faith.

Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him

Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Claiming God Saved Him