Maldives Bans Israelis in Retaliation for Gaza War

In a shocking move, the Maldives has banned Israelis from entering its territory in retaliation for the war in Gaza. The predominantly Muslim island nation's ban follows the Biden administration's proposal for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Despite warnings from the U.S. State Department, President Mohammed Muizzu enacted the ban after a recommendation from his cabinet.

Maldives Bans Israelis in Retaliation for Gaza War

The Maldives' decision to ban Israelis has drawn widespread condemnation from the international community, with many experts warning that it could have serious consequences for the country's tourism industry. Last year, approximately 11,000 Israelis visited the Maldives, representing around 0.6% of its total tourist arrivals.

Maldives Bans Israelis in Retaliation for Gaza War

The ban is also seen as a sign of growing anti-Semitism in the Muslim world. The Maldives government's decision to join the ranks of countries that ban Israeli passport holders has raised concerns about the spread of extremist ideologies in the region.

In response to the ban, the Israeli foreign ministry urged Israelis to avoid traveling to the Maldives. "For Israeli citizens already in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, because if they find themselves in distress for any reason, it will be difficult for us to assist," the ministry said, according to Reuters.

Maldives Bans Israelis in Retaliation for Gaza War

The U.S. State Department, which has provided millions of dollars in foreign assistance to the Maldives, has not yet commented on the ban. However, the State Department previously warned that the Maldives constitution designates Islam as the state religion and requires citizens to be Muslim. The law also prohibits the propagation of any religion other than Islam.

Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, said that the Maldives government's decision aligns it with authoritarian Muslim world states like Iran and Syria. He warned that such alliances can lead to corruption, radicalization, and exploitation.

Maldives Bans Israelis in Retaliation for Gaza War

Rev. Johnnie Moore, president of The Congress of Christian Leaders, also condemned the ban, saying, "If the Maldives aren't safe for Israelis then they aren't safe for any of us." He issued a global travel warning to Christians, urging them to avoid countries where Islamic extremists determine national policy.

The Maldives' ban is the latest in a series of anti-Israel measures taken by Muslim-majority countries in response to the war in Gaza. Several countries have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, while others have suspended flights to and from Tel Aviv. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has also called for an international investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes.

The international community has condemned these actions, calling for an end to violence and a return to peace negotiations. The Biden administration has proposed a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, but it remains unclear whether the proposal will be accepted by both sides.