Man Sentenced in Fatal Stabbing of Neighbor Over Snoring Dispute

Christopher Casey, 56, of Upper Morland, was sentenced to 11.5 to 23 months in county jail for the death of his next-door neighbor, Robert Wallace, whom he stabbed after Wallace threatened him over his loud snoring.

Christopher Casey, 56, of Upper Morland, pleaded guilty to stabbing and killing his neighbor, Robert Wallace, after Wallace threatened him over Casey's loud snoring. Casey was sentenced to 11.5 to 23 months in county jail followed by three years' probation.

Prosecutors said Casey stabbed Wallace after Wallace pushed in his first-floor window and threatened to kill Casey over his snoring. Relatives of the victim said Wallace had been unable to sleep due to the noise, and his fatigue had affected his life and ability to work.

Man Sentenced in Fatal Stabbing of Neighbor Over Snoring Dispute

Man Sentenced in Fatal Stabbing of Neighbor Over Snoring Dispute

Casey apologized to Wallace's family in court, calling the killing "unfortunate." Casey's attorney said his client's life had been threatened multiple times. "He was terrified of this guy, and he believed that he had no option," defense attorney James Lyons said.

He called his client "a really good man who was not equipped to deal with this type of sustained abuse and threats." Casey will be freed after 8.5 months in jail and has only one month left behind bars.

Man Sentenced in Fatal Stabbing of Neighbor Over Snoring Dispute

Man Sentenced in Fatal Stabbing of Neighbor Over Snoring Dispute

The sentencing comes after a string of fatal incidents involving neighborly disputes. In Michigan, a father of two was shot and killed after an argument with his neighbor over mulch. In Philadelphia, a man was beaten and stabbed to death by his neighbor over a blown fuse.

These incidents highlight the importance of resolving disputes peacefully and avoiding violence. If you are experiencing problems with a neighbor, there are many resources available to help, including mediation and counseling.