Manchin: The Republican Party Needs to Be Made "Grand Again

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin believes that the Republican Party has become too extreme and needs to be made "grand again." He also expressed concern about the direction of the Democratic Party and said that both parties need to become more responsible.

Manchin: The Republican Party Needs to Be Made

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, recently weighed in on the state of the Republican Party and the chances of former President Donald Trump's re-election. Manchin believes that Trump could win the 2024 election, and he called for the Republican Party to be made "grand again."

Manchin, who is not seeking re-election this year, made these comments on Fox News' "One Nation" with Brian Kilmeade. He said that he comes from a state of "pragmatic," "hardworking people" who believe in freedom, democracy, and personal responsibility.

Manchin: The Republican Party Needs to Be Made

Manchin expressed concern about the direction of both political parties. He said that the parties have become too extreme and that they need to find a way to bring the "Grand Old Party" back to its former glory and make the Democratic Party more responsible.

He added that he has spoken to President Biden about the direction the nation is heading in. He said that he has warned Biden that the country is moving down a path where people are starting to ask, "How much more can my country do for me?"

Manchin also weighed in on the country's response to the Israel-Hamas war and criticized the "misinformation" that is leading people to declare their support for Hamas. He said that the protests he saw during the Vietnam War were trying to make America better, but the protests he sees today are trying to tear down the fabric of the country.

Manchin also mentioned a conversation he had with Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Senator John McCain. He said that McCain told him that she had 30 trucks full of food that were hijacked by Hamas.

In conclusion, Manchin believes that both the Republican and Democratic parties have lost their way and need to become more moderate and responsible. He also expressed concern about the direction the country is heading in and criticized the "misinformation" that is leading people to support Hamas.