Mark Levin Unleashes on Biden: 'Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?'

Fox News host Mark Levin has launched a scathing attack on President Biden, accusing him of using "blood libels" against the Jewish people and threatening to withhold aid to Israel if it takes action against Hamas. Levin's powerful rebuke highlights the growing tension between Biden and Netanyahu's government over the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Mark Levin Unleashes on Biden: 'Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?'

Mark Levin, the outspoken Fox News host, has unleashed a blistering attack on President Biden, questioning his authority and accusing him of using dangerous rhetoric against Israel. Levin's comments, made on "Hannity," come amidst escalating tensions between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Mark Levin Unleashes on Biden: 'Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?'

Levin began his tirade by invoking his family's proud military service and their unwavering patriotism. He then shifted his focus to his Jewish faith, expressing his outrage at Biden's alleged use of "blood libels" against the Jewish people.

According to Levin, Biden has perpetuated the lies spread by Hamas terrorists, accusing Israel of indiscriminately murdering Palestinian civilians. This, Levin argues, has unleashed a wave of antisemitism not seen before.

He then challenged Biden's right to interfere in Israeli democracy, questioning the president's motives for disliking Netanyahu and urging the replacement of Israel's democratically elected government.

Levin condemned Biden's funding of Iran and other terrorist groups that seek to destroy Israel, accusing him of arming these entities with American money derived from oil sales.

Turning his focus to the issue of weapons aid, Levin accused Biden of violating the law by withholding support for Israel. He emphasized that Congress, not the president, holds the authority to provide weapons to Israel.

Levin's impassioned words reflected his deep concern for Israel's security and his anger at Biden's perceived hostility towards the Jewish state. He questioned Biden's understanding of history, noting Israel's resilience in the face of numerous threats throughout its existence.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Levin asked repeatedly, expressing his contempt for Biden's actions. He concluded by asking who Biden believed he was to dictate to the Jewish people, who have overcome countless challenges over the centuries.

Levin's fiery rhetoric highlights the growing rift between Biden and Netanyahu's government. The ongoing conflict in Gaza has put a strain on the decades-long alliance between the United States and Israel, and Levin's words reflect the deep concerns held by many Americans over Biden's handling of the situation.