Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

CNN host Dana Bash claims the Democratic National Convention (DNC) seeks to attract men who differ from the "testosterone-laden" supporters of former President Trump. This sparks discussions about the evolving definition of masculinity in politics and beyond.

As the 2024 presidential campaign heats up, the concept of masculinity has emerged as a prominent topic of discussion, particularly in comparing the appeal of former President Donald Trump with male Democratic Party figures.

CNN host Dana Bash ignited a firestorm with her comments suggesting that the DNC aims to win the support of men who prefer speakers such as Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and second gentleman Doug Emhoff to wrestling icon Hulk Hogan, a vocal Trump supporter.

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

"They are doing so in trying to put forward male figures, Tim Walz being one of them, Doug Emhoff last night, who can speak to men out there who might not be the sort of testosterone-laden, you know, gun-toting kind of guy who wants to listen to Hulk Hogan and the kind of players that came out at the RNC," Bash said.

Bash's remarks have sparked fierce reactions, with conservatives mocking the DNC's alleged appeal to "low-T soy boys" and others expressing frustration over the suggestion that masculinity and support for women are mutually exclusive.

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

The DNC, led by Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris, has sought to showcase a more diverse and inclusive definition of masculinity, emphasizing empathy, collaboration, and support for gender equality.

In contrast, the Republican National Convention (RNC) has leaned into more traditional masculine tropes, featuring speakers like Hulk Hogan and highlighting displays of physical strength and dominance.

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Psychologist Ronald Levant, author of "Masculinity Reconstructed," believes that society's expectations of masculinity have undergone a significant shift since the 1950s. He views Governor Walz's son's emotional display during his father's DNC speech as a testament to the changing face of manhood.

"I think that tells you the kind of man Tim Walz is… he cares for his son. He cares for his daughter. So, I think there is a new model of being a man," Levant said.

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Some experts, like branding consultant Doug Zarkin, argue that Bash's comments oversimplify the issue by focusing on gender dynamics. They believe that the key distinction lies not in traditional masculine traits but in the substance and empathy of political leaders.

"What’s really at play, especially with leaders like Tim Walz, is a commentary on leadership that goes beyond gender. Walz shows us that strength isn’t just about projecting power or fitting an overly stereotypical masculine mold. It’s about substance—connecting with people on a genuine level and leading with empathy," Zarkin said.

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Mike Nellis, founder of White Dudes for Harris, a group that advocates for male support of women in leadership, applauds the DNC's attempt to acknowledge and challenge outdated masculine stereotypes.

"Dana is absolutely right—there are tens of millions of men who reject the outdated, hyper-masculine image championed by figures like Hulk Hogan and their Republican counterparts. Hogan represents a relic of a bygone era, where ‘real men’ were defined by archaic notions of toughness and bravado," Nellis said.

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

Masculinity in the Spotlight: DNC Appeals to Men Beyond 'Testosterone-Laden' Stereotype

"But true masculinity is about caring for others and building strong communities, not clinging to hollow machismo. Men today are tired of that toxic narrative; we want to lead with love and hope," he added.

Dr. Alexa Chilcutt, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, emphasizes that contemporary masculinity encompasses a wider spectrum of characteristics and values.

"We have created the ‘dad bod’ or ‘softer male’ as something to hold up as a contemporary man -- one who embraces cultural norms and vaguery. They are not competing with the men who are attracted to the conservative party. These men see themselves as Constitutionally value-driven, and maybe gun toting, but this does not unilaterally exclude them from being supportive of women," Chilcutt said.

"This also doesn't exclude them from being highly educated," she added.

The evolving discourse surrounding masculinity in the political arena reflects a broader societal shift in perceptions of male identity. While traditional masculine archetypes persist, the DNC's attempt to appeal to a diverse audience highlights the growing acceptance of empathy, compassion, and inclusivity as defining characteristics of modern manhood.