Matt Dermody Defends Harrison Butker's Faith-Based Speech Amid Backlash

Former MLB pitcher Matt Dermody, who has faced similar backlash for expressing his religious beliefs, has come to the defense of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, whose commencement speech has ignited a petition calling for his release from the team.

Matt Dermody Defends Harrison Butker's Faith-Based Speech Amid Backlash

Harrison Butker's faith-based commencement speech at a Catholic university has sparked controversy, with some calling for his dismissal from the Kansas City Chiefs. However, former MLB pitcher Matt Dermody, who believes he was blackballed by the league for expressing his own faith-based beliefs, has applauded Butker for standing up for his values.

In a guest appearance on the "Tomi Lahren Is Fearless" show, Dermody voiced his support for Butker. "Last thing I remember, we’re in America, and we’re granted certain rights here – freedom of religion, freedom of speech," he stated. "Harrison Butker, he expresses his freedom of religion and his opinion. There’s nothing that’s wrong with that."

Matt Dermody Defends Harrison Butker's Faith-Based Speech Amid Backlash

Dermody, currently pitching for the Toros de Tijuana in the Mexican League, commended Butker for his courage in sharing his beliefs. "There’s some things you agree and disagree with – and I’m in the same boat right there. But one thing is I commend Harrison Butker for standing up for his beliefs and his faith. It takes courage for that, so I applaud him for that."

Dermody understands the backlash Butker has faced, having dealt with similar attacks against his own faith. In 2021, a social media post he made while playing in Japan resurfaced, expressing his Christian beliefs and condemning homosexuality. The Boston Red Sox, who had recently called up Dermody, discussed the post with him and requested its removal, which he complied with. However, he was released shortly after.

Matt Dermody Defends Harrison Butker's Faith-Based Speech Amid Backlash

Despite the consequences he faced, Dermody remained steadfast in his religious beliefs, which is why he respects Butker's decision to share his own. "That’s the thing. God is going to refine us in the fire," Dermody said. "All who are in the faith, they’re going to be put through the fire. …This is Harrison Butker’s trial and his refining moment. I commend him a lot."

Butker has maintained that he did not intend to disparage women or promote misogynistic views in his speech. He emphasized the importance of family values and the role of women as homemakers, views that resonated with an audience of Catholic students.

Matt Dermody Defends Harrison Butker's Faith-Based Speech Amid Backlash

"He never said women need to leave the CEO office and go in the kitchen. He never said that," Dermody explained. "He was lifting up his wife in the position she’s in, which is homemaker, and he was speaking about the lies that’s directed towards women. One of the lies he was talking about was the homemaker, the stay-at-home mom who raises the family, is not a job to be coveted. Harrison Butker was saying it is actually the most important job in his family because he values his family because all else."

Dermody believes the media has misrepresented Butker's speech, focusing on its perceived negative aspects rather than its message of faith and family values. "That’s what the media does – they put the fear of losing our jobs in our minds," Dermody said. "So, if we speak up for our beliefs, we’re going to get persecuted for it and that’s the way the world is being run right now. Harrison Butker was telling these Catholic students to be strong and be ready and stand up for Godly values."

Dermody has faced challenges in his own career due to his religious beliefs. Prior to the 2024 season, he was offered a spring training invite by the Minnesota Twins, which was later rescinded without explanation. He believes league pressure may have influenced the decision.

Despite the adversity he has faced, Dermody remains confident in his beliefs and continues to excel on the mound in Mexico. He sees Butker's speech as a step in the right direction, a call for individuals to stand up for their values in a world that often seeks to silence them.

Other notable individuals have also voiced their support for Butker, including ESPN NFL broadcaster Sam Ponder and Gracie Hunt, daughter of Chiefs CEO Clark Hunt. Ponder called the petition to remove Butker "totally un-American," while Hunt praised her mother for her role as a stay-at-home mom and echoed Butker's sentiments on the importance of family.