Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Actor Matt Smith, star of "House of the Dragon," is the latest to voice his opposition to trigger warnings on television shows, arguing that they ruin the viewer's experience and stifle creativity.

Matt Smith, the actor portraying Daemon Targaryen in the highly anticipated "House of the Dragon," has joined the growing chorus of voices criticizing the use of trigger warnings on television shows. In an interview with The Times, Smith expressed his belief that trigger warnings are an unnecessary restriction on artistic expression and undermine the viewer's ability to engage fully with the content.

"I'm not sure I'm on board with trigger warnings," Smith said. "Too much policing of stories and being afraid to bring them out because a climate is a certain way is a shame."

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Smith's comments come amidst a wider debate about the role of trigger warnings in entertainment. While some argue that they are necessary to protect viewers from potentially distressing or harmful content, others maintain that they can censor art and limit creative freedom.

Smith believes that trigger warnings deprive viewers of the opportunity to experience the full range of emotions that art can evoke. "Isn't being shocked, surprised, stirred the point?" he asked. "We're telling audiences they're going to be scared before they've watched something."

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

The "Starve Acre" star shared his own experience of watching explicit films at a young age, including "Slither," "Basic Instinct," and "Disclosure." While he acknowledges that such films might not be suitable for all viewers, he contends that it is up to individuals to decide what they are comfortable with.

"I was way too young to be watching them," Smith said. "I watched 'Friday the 13th' when I was nine. Actually, that scarred me. Absolutely ruined me."

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Smith's sentiments are echoed by fellow British actor Dame Judi Dench. Dench recently expressed skepticism towards content advisories in theater productions, suggesting that sensitive audience members might simply avoid the theater altogether.

"I can see why they exist, and it is preparing people, I suppose, but if you're that sensitive, don't go to the theater, because you could be very shocked," Dench said in an interview published in "Radio Times" magazine.

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

Matt Smith Blasts Trigger Warnings as 'Tedious' and 'Dumbing Down' Art

The debate over trigger warnings is likely to continue as artists and audiences grapple with the boundaries of free expression and the responsibility to protect viewers from potentially harmful content.