Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Matthew Perry's final hours before his death in October reportedly included an alleged demand to his assistant for a "big one." The shocking revelation sheds light on the actor's struggles in the days leading up to his passing.

Matthew Perry, the beloved actor known for his role as Chandler Bing in the iconic sitcom "Friends," faced immense personal struggles before his untimely death in October 2022. According to newly released court documents, Perry's assistant has revealed that in the final hours before his passing, Perry made a desperate plea for solace.

The assistant, who has remained anonymous, testified that Perry called him on the night before his death, demanding that he bring him a "big one." The assistant knew that Perry was referring to a large dose of opioids, which the actor had been struggling with addiction to for years.

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Perry's assistant initially resisted, but Perry persisted, becoming increasingly agitated and insistent. Fearing for Perry's safety, the assistant eventually agreed to deliver the drugs. Upon arriving at Perry's residence, the assistant found him in a state of distress, pleading for help.

Overwhelmed by the situation, Perry's assistant contacted the LAPD, who responded and transported Perry to the hospital. However, despite the medical intervention, Perry passed away the following day.

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Sources close to Perry have confirmed that he had been struggling with addiction for several years, despite entering rehab multiple times. His battle with substance abuse had taken a toll on his health and personal life.

The release of Perry's assistant's testimony has sparked a somber reflection on the actor's tragic life and the challenges he faced. His death serves as a reminder of the dangers of addiction and the importance of seeking help for those in need.

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed

Matthew Perry's Final Hours: Alleged Demand to Assistant Revealed