Maxine Waters Warns of Right-Wing Attack If Trump Loses in 2024

Representative Maxine Waters expressed concern over the potential for violence from right-wing organizations connected to former President Donald Trump in the event of his defeat in the 2024 election.

Maxine Waters Warns of Right-Wing Attack If Trump Loses in 2024

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has raised alarm bells over the potential for violence from right-wing organizations connected to former President Donald Trump if he loses the 2024 presidential election.

During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart," Waters voiced her apprehension, stating that these groups are "training up in the hills somewhere" and targeting communities for attack.

Maxine Waters Warns of Right-Wing Attack If Trump Loses in 2024

Waters emphasized the need for preemptive action from the Justice Department and President Biden to thwart any potential violence."I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that [Trump] is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting what communities they are going to attack," she said.

Waters' concerns are based on Trump's previous allusions to the possibility of violence if he loses in 2024. In January, he suggested that the outcome of the election "depends on the fairness" and that there could be a "problem" if there is widespread fraud.

Maxine Waters Warns of Right-Wing Attack If Trump Loses in 2024

The Congresswoman highlighted the gravity of Trump's actions, stating that he "does not believe in the Constitution" and aspires to be a dictator."This is a dangerous human being," she remarked. "We have to know what our country is going to do to protect us from him."

Despite her warnings about right-wing violence, Waters has previously advocated for confrontational tactics against Republicans. In 2018, she called on her supporters to publicly confront and "absolutely harass" members of Trump's cabinet.

Maxine Waters Warns of Right-Wing Attack If Trump Loses in 2024

In 2021, she also urged protesters to escalate their demonstrations if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was not convicted of murdering George Floyd. "We've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational," she said.

Waters' latest remarks have sparked mixed reactions. Some commentators have expressed support for her concerns, while others have criticized her own calls for confrontation in the past.

However, Waters maintains that her focus is on protecting the country from potential violence orchestrated by right-wing extremists linked to Trump."We better be careful about what [Trump] could do," she warned. "We need to know now what his plan is and how we are going to be protected."

As the 2024 election approaches, the potential for political violence remains a pressing concern for law enforcement and security officials. Waters' warnings serve as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and the need for a concerted effort to prevent any threats to national security.