Mayim Bialik Breaks Silence: Hollywood's Silence on Israel "Painful

Former "Big Bang Theory" star Mayim Bialik has spoken out against Hollywood's silence on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, calling it "painful" and a "real challenge" for those who support both Israel and progressive values.

Mayim Bialik Breaks Silence: Hollywood's Silence on Israel

Former "Jeopardy!" host Mayim Bialik has broken her silence on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, expressing her disappointment with Hollywood's lack of response to the violence.

Speaking to Sage Steele on her podcast, "The Sage Steele Show," Bialik said it has been difficult to navigate being a liberal and an outspoken supporter of Israel. She noted the "Trauma Olympics" that often arise in similar situations, where only one side's pain is acknowledged.

Mayim Bialik Breaks Silence: Hollywood's Silence on Israel

"There's room for everyone's pain. You can hold all those things at once," Bialik said.

She went on to describe how the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, which claimed the lives of dozens of Israelis, was met with celebrations around the world before the bodies could even be collected. This, she said, struck a deep chord with Jewish people everywhere.

Mayim Bialik Breaks Silence: Hollywood's Silence on Israel

Bialik emphasized that the policies of the Israeli government should not impact the way people treat Jews in general. She stressed that Jews are often the first to be scapegoated, and the recent increase in antisemitism due to Israeli government policies is problematic.

"To me, there's a real kind of distinction to be made," Bialik said. "I don't understand people celebrating terrorism against any people... It's been very painful."

Mayim Bialik Breaks Silence: Hollywood's Silence on Israel

Bialik has family in Israel, including family members who are currently serving in the military. She said that while the actions of the Israeli government may not be supported by everyone, it is unacceptable to treat Jews differently as a result.

"The actions of the Israeli government should not have any impact on the way people treat Jews in your college dorm," she said.

Bialik has been one of the most vocal Hollywood celebrities to speak out in support of Israel. In November, she called out feminist groups for their silence on the brutal crimes committed by Hamas terrorists against women.

"There has been an abhorrent and conspicuous absence of women’s organizations around the world unequivocally condemning the systematic rape and torture of women on October 7 by Hamas," Bialik wrote on social media.

She added, "These crimes against women were in many cases documented by the terrorists themselves and broadcast for the world to see. Those of us who have fought for women’s rights and have sought to shout from the rooftops when women’s bodies are being used in war for the sadistic pleasure of perpetrators are astounded at how the world has been silent surrounding this."

Bialik's comments have been met with mixed reactions, but they have sparked a much-needed conversation about Hollywood's silence on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.