McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has strongly condemned Representative Matt Gaetz's recent behavior, suggesting that he may need professional assistance. The two Republicans have engaged in a heated rivalry, with Gaetz allegedly making inappropriate requests and engaging in questionable conduct.

Kevin McCarthy, the former House Speaker, has launched a scathing attack on Representative Matt Gaetz, calling for him to seek professional help. The remarks come after Gaetz interrupted McCarthy's live CNN interview at the Republican National Convention.

McCarthy expressed concerns about Gaetz's mental state, stating, "He looks very unhinged. A lot of people have concerns about him. I'm not sure if he's on something, but I do hope he gets the help that he needs." McCarthy's comments allude to allegations of sexual misconduct and illicit drug use against Gaetz, which are currently under investigation by the House Ethics Committee.

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

The rivalry between McCarthy and Gaetz has intensified over time. McCarthy has accused Gaetz of seeking favors and attempting to obstruct investigations. Gaetz, in turn, has criticized McCarthy's leadership and sought to have him removed as House Speaker.

During the CNN interview, Gaetz mocked McCarthy for not being scheduled to speak at the convention. He also made a reference to the ethics investigation, suggesting that McCarthy was not qualified to speak about moral issues.

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

McCarthy responded by claiming that Gaetz had asked him to dismiss the ethics probe and initiated a bipartisan effort to remove him from his position. He also expressed concern about the impact of Gaetz's actions on the conservative agenda in the House.

The House voted to remove McCarthy as Speaker in October 2022, marking a historic event. McCarthy attributed his ouster to a small group of Republicans who aligned with Democrats, calling them "The Gaetz Eight."

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

Gaetz has been under investigation since 2021, with allegations stemming from reports of an underage relationship. The Department of Justice declined to charge him in 2023, but the House Ethics Committee investigation is ongoing.

McCarthy's remarks have been met with mixed reactions. Some have praised him for speaking out against Gaetz's alleged misconduct, while others have accused him of political grandstanding.

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

McCarthy Fires Back at Gaetz, Urges Him to Seek Professional Help

It remains to be seen how the ongoing rivalry between McCarthy and Gaetz will affect the Republican Party and the political landscape in the United States. The allegations and investigations against Gaetz continue to cast a shadow over his career, while McCarthy's outspoken criticism has further inflamed the tensions within the party.