Media's Double Standard: Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt Ignored, Alito Flag Display Amplified

While the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh received scant media attention, the display of an upside-down flag outside Justice Samuel Alito's home has sparked a frenzy. This disparity highlights the media's partisan bias against conservative justices.

Media's Double Standard: Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt Ignored, Alito Flag Display Amplified

The media's double standard in covering events related to the Supreme Court has become increasingly evident in recent weeks. While the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2022 was largely ignored, the display of an upside-down flag outside Justice Samuel Alito's home has garnered significant attention. This disparity exposes the media's partisan bias against conservative justices and their willingness to sensationalize non-events to discredit them.

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio (NPR) has provided ample coverage of the Alito flag incident while failing to produce a single feature story on the foiled Kavanaugh assassination. NPR's headlines feign neutrality, claiming that "flag displays at Justice Alito's homes concern judicial watchdogs," but closer examination reveals the partisan nature of these concerns.

Media's Double Standard: Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt Ignored, Alito Flag Display Amplified

NPR Supreme Court reporter Nina Totenberg, known for her opposition to conservative nominees, has dedicated time to Alito-flag coverage but has shown no concern for Kavanaugh's safety. Her selective outrage discredits her professed concern for judicial impartiality.

The media's bias is further evident in the coverage of Justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife's political views have been used to paint him as biased. MSNBC's Elie Mystal has concocted a theory that Thomas and Alito support racism and insurrection, claiming that they believe "Trump won the White vote by a lot."

Media's Double Standard: Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt Ignored, Alito Flag Display Amplified

This character assassination of conservative justices as racist insurrectionists is considered weighty legal analysis on MSNBC. The Left's definition of "insurrection" extends to any dissent that threatens their dominance. They are intolerant of opposing views and seek to silence conservatives through character attacks and false accusations.

The media's double standard is not limited to NPR and MSNBC. "All In with Chris Hayes" has lamented Alito's opinion in a recent gerrymandering case, suggesting that conservative justices do not want Black people's votes to count equally. This claim is based on the left's twisted interpretation of Black voting rights, which they equate with Democrat representation.

The media's selective outrage and partisan attacks on conservative justices undermine public confidence in the Supreme Court. They amplify non-events while ignoring serious threats, creating a distorted narrative that favors one side. This bias erodes the credibility of the media and hinders the search for truth and objectivity.

It is incumbent upon the media to uphold the principles of fairness, impartiality, and accuracy in their reporting. They must resist the temptation to sensationalize non-events and engage in character assassinations to advance their political agenda. Only then can the public have confidence in the media as a reliable source of information.