Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a "Political Cover-Up

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren decried the media's portrayal of President Biden's mental decline, calling it one of the "greatest political cover-ups in history."

The Atlantic, a liberal outlet known for its in-depth journalism, has published a controversial article demanding President Joe Biden abandon his re-election bid and resign from office due to concerns about his mental fitness.

Written by staff writer Adam Serwer, the piece argues that Biden's recent debate performance confirmed his cognitive decline, raising alarms about his ability to serve as president effectively. Serwer cites Biden's advanced age and visible signs of diminishing sharpness.

Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a

Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a "Political Cover-Up

The article emphasizes that Biden's poor debate performance has fueled speculation and bipartisan concerns about his mental health. Despite the possibility of a bad night, Serwer suggests that Biden's team has failed to alleviate these concerns through subsequent public appearances.

Serwer maintains that Biden's age and apparent decline pose a significant risk to American democracy. He believes that the president is no longer capable of mounting an effective campaign or fulfilling the duties of the office.

Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a

Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a "Political Cover-Up

As an alternative, Serwer proposes that Biden resign and hand over the presidency to Vice President Kamala Harris, who would serve as the presumptive Democratic nominee and inherit the party's campaign infrastructure.

The writer argues that Harris would have the advantage of incumbency and the ability to dispel concerns about her qualifications by governing effectively. He dismisses claims that she would be portrayed as a "DEI president," suggesting that her actions would speak louder than any criticisms.

Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a

Media's Pre-Debate Coverage of Biden Branded a "Political Cover-Up

Serwer concludes by asserting that Biden's resignation is essential to protect American democracy from those who seek to undermine it. He urges the president to step aside and allow Harris to assume the mantle of leadership.

Despite these calls, Biden has remained adamant about staying in the race. During the recent White House July 4 celebration, he declared, "I'm not going anywhere." His press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has also refuted claims that Biden will suspend his campaign.