Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Former first lady Melania Trump is expected to weigh in on her husband's choice of running mate for the 2024 presidential election, following a history of influencing his decisions and advocating for "clean" and "safe" candidates.

Former First Lady Melania Trump's opinion is likely to carry weight in President Trump's selection of his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, according to a former White House insider. The source, who served as an aide to Trump during his presidency, stated that Melania "will most certainly speak her mind when it comes to which person she thinks would be best to serve alongside her husband."

Whether Trump heeds her advice remains to be seen, but Melania's past influence on his vice presidential pick suggests she will offer candid feedback. In 2016, she played a pivotal role in ensuring a "clean" and "safe" candidate, leading to the selection of Mike Pence.

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Now, as Trump considers his options for 2024, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum is said to be among the contenders. The Puck report highlights the close relationship between Melania and Burgum's wife, Kathryn, as well as the couples' bonding at Mar-a-Lago this year.

Beyond the potential vice presidential pick, Melania frequently petitioned Trump on public perception and trust issues during his presidency. The former White House insider likened her role to Nancy Reagan's behind-the-scenes influence.

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Trump has indicated that he has "sort of a pretty good idea" of his vice presidential running mate, but the decision is not expected to be announced until the Republican National Convention in July.

In 2018, Kate Andersen Brower's book "First in Line" revealed that Melania emphasized the importance of a candidate with "no affairs and no messy financial entanglements" for Trump's 2016 running mate.

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Despite their current strained relationship due to the 2020 presidential election results, Melania's influence on Trump in the past suggests she will play a role in shaping his decision for the upcoming election.

The insider further described Melania's role as similar to Nancy Reagan's behind-the-scenes influence, focusing on public perception, trust, and advocacy during the Trump presidency.

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Melania Trump's Influence on Trump's Potential Vice Presidential Pick

Speaking to Fox News, Trump himself said that he has "sort of a pretty good idea" of who his vice presidential running mate will be. However, the announcement is expected to be made at the Republican National Convention in July.

The former president and first lady's relationship with the Burgums is said to be particularly strong, with the couples bonding on multiple occasions, including an Easter brunch at Mar-a-Lago.

Whether or not Melania will explicitly endorse Burgum remains unclear, but her past influence on her husband's decisions suggests she will have a say in the selection process.