Michael Cohen's TikTok Antics Imperil Trump's Case

Michael Cohen, the former Trump fixer who is expected to testify in the Trump Organization's tax fraud case, has reportedly been engaging in inappropriate behavior on TikTok that legal experts believe could undermine the prosecution's case.

Michael Cohen's TikTok Antics Imperil Trump's Case

Michael Cohen, who is expected to be a key witness in the NY v. Trump case, may have inadvertently jeopardized the prosecution by discussing the trial on TikTok while fundraising. Legal observers have raised concerns that Cohen's actions could damage the credibility of the prosecution's case.

Michael Cohen's TikTok Antics Imperil Trump's Case

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy argues that Cohen's behavior is problematic for prosecutors because they have relied on a witness with a history of questionable conduct and deep bias. He adds that Cohen's actions demonstrate that he continues to act in character and undermine his own credibility.

Michael Avenatti, Trump's former "most dangerous enemy," believesCohen's TikTok rants may have torpedoed the case against Trump. Avenatti argues that Cohen's narcissism and arrogance have led him to make mistakes that could result in the court striking him as a witness or declaring a mistrial.

Michael Cohen's TikTok Antics Imperil Trump's Case

Avenatti emphasizes that Cohen was not supposed to be hearing or discussing testimony before testifying himself and that his actions have potentially compromised the trial's integrity.

Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson agrees that Cohen's TikTok activities raise further concerns about his credibility. He notes that Cohen has numerous pre-existing conflicts of interest when it comes to Trump, and his actions on TikTok add another layer to those conflicts.

Michael Cohen's TikTok Antics Imperil Trump's Case

Former Georgia prosecutor Chris Timmons expressed frustration with Cohen's behavior, stating that it is highly undesirable for witnesses to discuss the case outside the courtroom. Defense attorney Jeremy Saland believes Trump's legal team can use Cohen's actions to discredit him and damage his credibility.

Despite being advised to cease commenting on the case, Cohen briefly discussed Trump and the trial on TikTok shortly after making a statement about refraining from doing so. He has since slammed ABC News, labeling their report as a "non-story" and calling for executives to intervene.

Legal experts have also condemned the gag order that prevents Trump from responding to Cohen's comments. Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley argues that the gag order is absurd and that Cohen is not a trustworthy witness. He emphasizes Cohen's history of perjury and questionable behavior, raising concerns about his ability to provide credible testimony.

Cohen's attorney has not yet provided a response to the allegations. The Manhattan District Attorney's Office has also not commented on the matter.

In conclusion, Michael Cohen's actions on TikTok and his pre-existing conflicts of interest have raised significant concerns among legal experts and could potentially jeopardize the prosecution's case against Trump. The extent to which Cohen's actions will impact the trial remains to be seen, but they have certainly cast a shadow over the proceedings.